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Invisible Applications in the Selection Panel #229

Open YoannaRonnqvist opened 1 year ago

YoannaRonnqvist commented 1 year ago

BACKGROUND & ISSUE So about a month ago when my NC opened the calls for our RS 23. As a (leadership-role) part of the selection panel, I was almost daily checking if any new applications had been received. Then one day logging on, I couldn't see any of the two applications that had been handed in for selection. It started in the overview that two applications had been handed in, but I couldn't take a closer look at the applications nor see who sent them in.

TROUBLESHOOTING I tried troubleshooting & re-logging to no avail. After a week of the applications going invisible, they reappeared all of a sudden. I first thought that maybe there was something wrong with my computer or internet connection perhaps the issue had been resolved. Then another week passed & suddenly the applications went invisible again. This isn't a so-called expected or ordinary behaviour for the platform.

THOUGHTS ON THE ISSUE After trying & trying again I started thinking maybe this was a singular only-me-problem I was experiencing, but then I asked my extended leadership about sending me the applications, and suddenly he couldn't see them anymore either. I would appreciate if this bug could be investigated as soon as possible since it could potentially delay selection processes for sessions!

ANOTHER ONE I heard from my extended leadership that he heard from someone else who had a similar issue. They got adviced to relog to see if the issue resolved itself, but for me it dosen't seem to fix anything at all unfourtunatly. I also tried resetting my password, but it did nothing at all.

DEVICEs The devices I used to log in to the Members Platform: a Macbook Pro 13-inch from 2017 macOS Ventura 13.5

EYP Members Platform Issue 01 EYP Members Platform Issue 02