young24 / Perfect-Lab-System

To develop a perfect project-management system for labs
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Integrate the Results folder with the web based MS Office #2

Open young24 opened 6 years ago

young24 commented 6 years ago

MS Office 365 is totally free for students and teachers in the university. Click on this link to register a free account.

MS Office 365 provides several options (allow-editing; allow-viewing) to share files via links.

Pandoc is another option

Convert Word to Markdown and then git control on it. However, people cannot directly read the content on GitHub.

Pandoc Resources

young24 commented 6 years ago

Major file types to deal with (* denotes files that Pandoc can handle with)

MS Office files

PDFs, .ai files and other picture formats

MATLAB files

young24 commented 6 years ago

Word diff seems to be a great way to automatically convert a word file to a markdown file.

young24 commented 6 years ago

The following two Atom packages fit my purpose well.

young24 commented 5 years ago

When trying to output PDF or figures, is that possible to auto-generate csc code from the GUI input (e.g. Adobe Illustrator) of users? If yes, it would provide an automatic mechanism to generate figures with raw data.