young24 / Perfect-Lab-System

To develop a perfect project-management system for labs
MIT License
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Consider to use Jupyter as the intermediate tool to link data/binary resources? #5

Closed young24 closed 2 years ago

young24 commented 5 years ago

JupyterLab is available. It is definitely something that I dream of. In addition, BinderHub allows users to connect GitHub repos with JupyterHub. I have to learn more about all these tools to figure out a way to build up the Perfect-Lab System without reinventing the wheels.

young24 commented 5 years ago

Just tried Gitter --- Chat for GitHub.

young24 commented 5 years ago

Also, give a solution to automate the initiation for every project.

young24 commented 2 years ago

We can manage large files with git-lfs. For the integrated working environment, VScode seems to be a better choice (with Jupyter notebook support).