youngfoo19941 / New-Bus-Ticketing-System

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What is the progress of the system #1

Open youngfoo19941 opened 7 years ago

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

guys for our bus ticketing system, I think we should have few module for it. Basically we need staff maintenance, ticketing purchase, payment... Anymore guys?

freddywg1125 commented 7 years ago

Oh,i think that we should have feedback, because we need user opinion to improve our system, do you guys agree about it ?

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

halo my dear teammates~

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

The bus ticketing system must have the bus schedule for the driver

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

@freddywg1125 our system is offline system so i think we no need any feedback module....

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

still need driver maintenance, schedule control

teychoonwei commented 7 years ago

and the purchase ticket and payment module

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

@YitTuckWeng ya. It will make driver easy to check their schedule and easy for our staff to arrange driver time table

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

we have separate into bus schedule and driver schedule...and the driver schedule for ours bus ticketing system is suitable or not??

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

@NgZuhui i think driver only need to refer for their bus schedule because one driver one bus for permanently unless the driver resign...

teychoonwei commented 7 years ago

i totally agree with loh young foo, i think no need driver schedule because driver can refer back the bus schedule to confirm their schedule

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

@youngfoo19941 that is good idea for bus schedule module

freddywg1125 commented 7 years ago

So now we already have bus maintenance, schedule , payment module , report, staff maintenance, ticket purchasing , still have any module that i haven't mention ?

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

@freddywg1125 This is enough for an offline bus ticketing system. So any suggestion?

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

after that, i think our system should have to generate the report like total up all the payment and some summary report.

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

Like that we can easy to check the payment, no need check like one by one and search one by one

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

@YitTuckWeng maybe we can let user to choose the range of the date to show the report like generate report start from 12 Oct 2010 to 12 Oct 2011...

teychoonwei commented 7 years ago

no, i think report may not import in our system, so i think our system don't want the report function

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

wait~our system should have the insurance to protect our customer...give them have safety when using our service

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

OK...Staff Maintenance, Bus Maintenance, Payment, Ticket Purchasing and Insurance so is it enough for our system ?

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

@freddywg1125 @NgZuhui @YitTuckWeng @teychoonwei answer my question please

freddywg1125 commented 7 years ago

ya, i think our system have enough modules

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

that is enough for our system

teychoonwei commented 7 years ago

yes, i think i can handle the ticket purchasing module

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

I have no any idea already....I think this is enough already.

freddywg1125 commented 7 years ago

so let us decide who will handle which module, i think i will handle the staff maintenance

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

I take payment module.

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

Since the insurance is suggested by me, so the insurance handle by me

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

I suggest the bus schedule, so i take the bus schedule module

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

now let we discuss the database

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

i think database need to consist of several table such as staff table, bus schedule and bus table

teychoonwei commented 7 years ago

Yes, so we should have several table in database Staff Seat Schedule PurchaseOrder Payment BusInformation got any idea?

freddywg1125 commented 7 years ago

ohh... I see. I totally agree with you tey

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

I also agree with you

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

ya! I agree also for your advise.

youngfoo19941 commented 7 years ago

So now we will end the discussion, still got any question?

teychoonwei commented 7 years ago

no, bye

NgZuhui commented 7 years ago

bye, good luck

YitTuckWeng commented 7 years ago

no more question already, we can end up this discussion.

freddywg1125 commented 7 years ago

okyyyy. No problem.