Closed sriza closed 1 year ago
[x] 1. The organization page is shown blank
[x] 2. Add some spacing same as user page in dashboard too.
[x] 3. The navbar option should be Dashboard and Organization list.
[x] 4. No help Help sign in publisher segregated .There are no help test in the help sign too.
[x] 5. When user selects the "this week" in date range, the graph is being congested.
[x] 6. The total number of publisher registered within the selected range is not shown. It is showing 154 all the time.
[x] 7. Add some spacing in the graph lines.
[x] 8. The "no of publishers inactive(not logged in) since 6 months in IATI" is quite confusing. This section can be placed in the User section as it is all about the inactive users.
[x] 9. The graph data is totally jumbled. The graph indicator is also not showing all the month's data. All the data are aslo not showed in the graph.
[x] 10. The data licence data is also not shown.
[x] 11. The country and registration type data is showing the same data.
[x] 12. The y axis month and date indicator is jumbled.
[x] 13. when user clicks the last registered publisher name, the proxy login is not working. The proxy login loader is shown but it is redirected to the dashboard.
[x] 14 when user clicks in the count of the inactive user, it is navigated to the user page but active user's data is shown.
[x] 16 When user clicks in the pagination, screen is scrolling in top.
[x] 17 The download report is not working.
[ ] 18 When user is using the dashboard, session is being out. The user is navigated to login page.
[x] 19 The text "week and date" which is shown while hovering is constant. It is shown same in all the line.
[x] 20 Change the unknown data into uncategorized.
[x] 21 When there is null value in the registration type , no text is shown in the registration type.
[x] 23 Both the publisher with the complete status and incomplete status is shown same value.
[x] 24 When user clicks on ""publishers with complete setup" and "publisher setting not completed" , it keep on showing the fetching the data in the organization list.
[x] 25 In the all time , 12 month ,this year filter, uncategorized data are not shown.
[x] 26 The organization name in the publisher report is showing the numbers.
[x] 27 publisher setup and default value is not being changed according to filter.
[x] 27 Truncate the publisher name if it is too long.
[x] 28 When user clicks on publisher name, it is stuck on proxy login's almost there.
[x] 29 No activity count is not clickable.
[x] 30 The proxy login of the organization in the activity tab is also not working.
[x] 31 The total number of activities added from the dec 1990 to june 2023 is 1853 but it is showing 1019;
[x] 31 When user adds the filter date as this week i.e ONE DAY, graph and data is not being changed where there are 0 data.
[x] 32 The left side of x axis data is overlapped. Add some spacing in it.
[x] 33 The activity added :by importing from xml is shown twice.
[x] 34 Show same first date in all the graph line.
[x] 35 The data in Activity completion is not showing exact data.
[x] 37 When user selects the all time filter, only December data can be visualize in the graph. Show all the months data in the graph.
[x] 38 Today filter is not working.
[x] 39 When user refreshes the page, untitled is shown for a sec in the last registered publisher, publisher activity update etc.
[x] 40 Change the unpublished to draft.
[x] 41 The All time's total no of activities and total no of activities does not match.
[x] 42 There is no data in the activity report csv file.
[x] 43 The count of the activity which is in draft(not published) is showing the wrong count.
[x] 44 The count of the draft (need to republish) and draft(not published) is being exchanged.
[x] 45 The count of activities with incomplete core element data which are in draft is wrong.
[x] In /list-organisation if we apply these filter it is giving all other data.
[x] also for the filter 'default values not completed'
[x] if we are in page 2 and apply new_org filter then it shows not data available but if we go back to the page 1 we can see data.
[x] In /list-organisation if we select ''Publisher with complete setup" and apply 'Last Logged in' sorting if this giving reduntant data
[x] Same issue with the date range filter
[x] 46 There is no users by organization section in user tab.
[x] 47 The graph line visualization in not shown.
[x] 48 When user filters the based on user date, the data are not being changed.
[x] 49 When user download the user report, no data is shown in xls file.
[x] 50 When user clicks the IATI admin and navigate to the users listing page , filter of the role is shown empty. All the admin data is being listed.
[x] 51 When user clicks on the organization admin from user dashboard, IATI admin data is being filtered and shown in user listing page.
[x] 52 When user clicks on IATI ADMIN, sometime it showing users not found even when there is users.
[x] 53 When user clicks the organization admin and then general user then, the admin data is being filtered in the user listing page in the case of general user too. The previous data are being shown in the case of filter too. .
[x] 54 The count of the iati admin ,organization admin and general user does not match with the database.
[x] 55 The total count of user doesnot match with database.
[x] 56 The IATI ADMIN url is redirecting to the role=2; The role 2 is superadmin.
[x] 57 The data are affected by the timestamp. Some data are not shown due to different timestamp in publisher, activity and users.
[x] 58 The axis's data overlapped and all the year data is shown. Due to which multiple line are looking congested.
[x] 59 When user clicks on the organization name in user, only loading button is shown.
[ ] 60 The organization name is also not shown in the filter.(users)
[x] 61 Remove the link of the admin, general, active and disabled from the user by organization table.
[ ]62 Remove the link from total number of activities and total no of publisher with no activity from iati.
[x] 63 When the "All time" filter is used, show the date from where it is has data. for example: if all date filter is from dec 1 1990-2023 but there is data from 2015 then show date from 2015 -2023 in the graph.
[x] 64 The last registered organization in the iati is being proxy to other organization.
[ ] 65 When user clicks on the unknown publisher_type, data license and other element, filer section's value of organization page is shown empty.
[x] 66 The default values not complete, publisher setting and default value incomplete count and publisher with complete setup does not match with the database.
[x] 67 The half data is only being downloaded in the report of publisher, users, activity.
[x] 68 The count of the IATI Admin, organization Admin and general user is totally wrong .
[x] 69 The last activity update organization name is not updated in the activity.
[x] 70 Users filter from today to this month is not showing any data in the graph.
[ ] The publisher's count is incorrect in all the date range filter.
[ ] The count of the publisher's settings not completed is incorrect.
[x] The half data is only being downloaded in the report of publisher, users, activity.
[ ] The last activity update of organization name is not updated in the activity.
[x] Users filter from today to this month is not showing any data in the graph.
[x] The date interval of the all time data in the user is showing all the month of the year.
[x] The download report of the user, publisher and activity is showing object object in xls file.
[x] when user clicks on The publisher with complete setup , data is not show. It keeps on displaying fetching .
[ ] The count of the activity in 6 month and 12 month date range is incorrect.
[x] When user downloads the report in all time data range [object object] is shown.
[ ] When user click on the organization name in user page, the filter doesnot work after navigating in the user page.
[x] The count is incorrect.
[x] 1 When user clicks over the date filter, the calendar should be shown below the date filter.
[x] 2 Remove the white space in the user count table.
[x] 3 Generals user filter from user dashboard to organization list is not working properly.
[ ] 4 Displaying the organization specific user in the user list is not working properly.
[ ] 5 The filter option is also shown empty in the user page.
[x] 6 Add scrollbar in the publisher type dropdown.
[x] 7 In the case of setup completeness, registration type filter of organization page, close the dropdown once user selects the it's option .
[x] 8 Make the filter of the organization page dropdown open when user click where ever within the box.
[x] 9 Add the close icon (cross) on the publisher type button too after selecting the option.
[x] 10 Change the text of the registration type in the publisher.
[x] 11 When user adds the custom date filter where there is no data , then apply the all time date filter then, date in the graph is shown from 1990.
[x] 12 In the organization list page, the date is shown from 1990 in all time filter.
[x] 13 When no filter is applied still the filtered by and clear filter option is displayed. Donot display them when no filtered in applied.
[x] 14 Do not shown pagination if there are only data in 1st page.
[x] 15 When user selects the publisher type option and clicks on apply button, the dropdown modal should be closed.
[x] 16 The dropdown of the publisher type is being overlapped with data license while scrolling.
[x] 18 When user search the invalid or unavailable option in the publisher type dropdown , show not found in it.
[x] 19
[ ] There is no sort option in activity status, activity added and activity completion. Design :
[x] The organization data is being repeated.
[x] This arrow icon should open the calendar on clicking .This arrow doesn't seem to be associated with the calendar. So add this arrow near the date. In the case of "All Time", add the arrow icon inside the box side beside the select date.
[x] This design is left to add.
[x] Add the border line in the option of the publisher segregated by and activity data like in design. Design:
[x] Show the total number of organizations in the organization listing page.
[x] The organization listing page should be filtered according to organization registered date. But in our system, it is being filtered according to the user registered date.
[x] Add the total number of users and date filter option in the users page too.
[x] Show the total number of organizations in the organization listing page.
[x] The organization listing page should be filtered according to organization registered date. But in our system, it is being filtered according to the user registered date.
[ ] Add the total number of users and date filter option in the users page too.
[x] When user selects the this year filter, 6 month data is shown in the filter in all the cases.
[x] When user downloads the data of the publisher, the publisher settings and default values doesn't matches with the total count. The more count of complete default value and publisher setting is shown. Date: 6 months Total data: 85 File: publisher-report (16).csv
[x] The sorting option of the user is not working properly. If the data is sorted in page 1,then other data is not sorted in other pages. Need to send order by from frontend.
[x] Some migrated organizations is not being proxy.
[x] When user switch back from the organization, it should remain in organization listing page.
[x] The selected start date and end date not shown.
[x] In the this year, Jan -today text is shown but date is selected from Jan to december.
[x] 1 When user selects the publisher date applying the all time filter and then in the activity, the count of the total activities in all time is different.
[x] When user clicks on organization name , the data is not filter according to organization name. All the data is shown in the user list.
[x] The some organization name is not shown in the filter option.
[x] Change the count of the total organizations respective to it;s filter. If no data is available then change the count of the total number of organizations too.
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