youngj / EnvayaSMS

Simple SMS and MMS gateway running on Android
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What about a TAG function? #11

Closed ChrisBdk closed 12 years ago

ChrisBdk commented 12 years ago

It would be nice, if it has a TAG or "campaign" function if you will. So it takes out the first word before the first "space" and adds it to the POST string.. Like this: Vote Lady Gaga or MSG bla bla bla...

Hope you can see the idear..


youngj commented 12 years ago

This would be easy to implement on the server side, e.g:

list($tag, $rest) = explode(' ', $_POST['message'], 2);

For's SMS system, we accomplish a similar thing by matching regexes:

One of the design principles of EnvayaSMS is that the Android app should be as generic/simple as possible, and anything that can be done on the server should be done on the server.