This was leading to different results than conventional cp and mv. Ie
$ # Directory heirarchy to to make things somewhat less contrived
$ mkdir testdst
$ touch testdst/dstfile
$ mkdir testsrc
$ touch testsrc/srcfile
$ mv testsrc/ testdst/ #the trailing slashes come from autocomplete
$ ls testdst/
dstfile testsrc
$ mv testdst/testsrc . #reset
$ pymv testsrc/ testdst/
$ ls testdst/
destfile srcfile
The problem is os.path.basename being befferent than the posix basename.
This is actually documented somewhere, I don't have the references on hand
though. It is easy to fix though, just add a os.path.normpath:
>>> import os
>>> t1="/foo/bar/qux"
>>> t2="/foor/bar/qux/"
>>> t2="/foo/bar/qux/"
>>> t3="projects"
>>> t4="projects/"
>>> for i in [t1, t2, t3, t4]: print i, "=>", os.path.basename(i)
/foo/bar/qux => qux
/foo/bar/qux/ =>
projects => projects
projects/ =>
>>> for i in [t1, t2, t3, t4]: print i, "=>", os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(i))
/foo/bar/qux => qux
/foo/bar/qux/ => qux
projects => projects
projects/ => projects
This was leading to different results than conventional cp and mv. Ie
The problem is os.path.basename being befferent than the posix basename. This is actually documented somewhere, I don't have the references on hand though. It is easy to fix though, just add a os.path.normpath: