yourcelf / intertwinkles

A collection of web apps for group decision making and collaboration
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
45 stars 6 forks source link

Mission Creep #18

Closed jart closed 11 years ago

jart commented 11 years ago

Thank you for setting your sights on researching the very important problem of finding ways for human beings to come together and make decisions in a more collective manner.

I like to offer some quick criticism because I've thought long and hard about exactly what you're doing. I hope you will take this the right way, and there will probably be more to come once I take a closer look at things.

First of all, I'm amazed by how much code you've written so quickly. But there seems to be a lot of mission creep. A lot of the features on your website seem to exist "just cuz". What's the point of Twinklepad? Etherpad is already hosted on a million websites so you're just creating sysadmin overhead for yourself. You should also understand that normal people don't like Etherpad because Google Docs is free enough and a million times better. The same criticism applies to dotstorm. You're not coming up with any new ideas you're just doing system administration.

I don't like the Points of Unity thing. Well to be honest, it's mostly the name I don't like because points of unity are silly. Trust me, you don't need to go encouraging radical kids to sit around in meetings for months arguing about their ideologies and who's a bigger manarchist. But I do like that you used the logo from my website :+1: But what's the real goal here? Is it a ranked voting system?

I really like the progressive clock. I think this is something that actually can be useful for people right away.

Resolve could potentially be something promising. Honestly you should just have those tools be it and get rid of the other stuff so it's not so complicated. You're never going to be able to explain to people what this is otherwise.

Firestarter is something very similar to what I wanted to build once. I'd like to see where you go with this.

One thing you definitely gotta do is don't let people post content and stuff if they don't have an account. I could probably ddos you without even trying. I imagine the anonymous user thing makes your code horribly complicated too. I would recommend using Facebook authentication because that's where people already go to organize their political protests. It also allows you to have a real names policy so people are more likely to behave like human beings when they use your service and it allows you to spam their feed to get more users. Spread the democracy!

I also recommend integrating with the PSTN so you can send text messages so this thing works on mobile and crosses the digital divide. Your software should be written to benefit everyone, because right now it seems very targeted towards affluent white geeky men.

yourcelf commented 11 years ago

Thanks for writing, I really appreciate your taking the time to think deeply about these tools. You might join the design mailing list ( ) to gnash further about this.

Closing this as an "Issue", as it's too broad in scope for a bug tracker (this seems like about design philosophy than specific features/bugs), but please do join us on the design mailing list to discuss if you feel inclined (I hope you do!). You can also contact me directly at

All of the design decisions are there not just for the hell of it, but because of feedback and issues I've had working with real world groups, while iterating these tools over the last 2 years. Tool integration, searchability, lowered barriers to access, ease of sharing documents privately with a group, similarity to existing real-world processes, etc. are all very important.

I'd be especially interested to hear more about how this is geared towards affluent white geeky men. It does require recent web browsers, which limits it to smart phones and computers from the last few years, so I understand the "affluent" criticism. But what about it makes it less accessible to different genders, people of color, and people who are less geeky? The demographics of the current users track roughly with the demographics of the cooperative housing world (since that's whom we're targeting), which are definitely skewed white, young (20s to 30s), though not particularly male or geeky. Are you just commenting on the choice of the web as a medium in general, or do you see specific exclusive design decisions in the tools?

Specific responses to your questions:

Twinklepad is there because other etherpad providers don't allow you to make pads both private to a group and searchable, and groups I work with want that.

Dotstorm: Have you really seen similar things elsewhere? Please point me to them! I wrote it after looking for something that does what it does and finding nothing adequate.

Points of Unity: I've used this (and an earlier version of it called "Ten Points") to great success with groups. An example: A newer activist group set out the principles around which they are organized, and everyone came to consensus on them. Then, when new people join the group, they asked the new members to review the principles and see if they agree to all of them -- if they don't, they can change them with agreement from everyone else, or decide not to participate in the group. In my experience (and that of my heros/mentors), explicitly stated shared community agreements are critical to the success of a group, especially if the group is consensus-oriented. (It's not ranked voting -- though that's another potential tool which isn't here yet.)

Why people can take actions without signing in: because login systems are a barrier to accessibility, and at the end of the day, groups have just gotta get stuff done and not futz around if they can't remember a password. Groups can choose to make their documents public, private, or somewhere in between. Also, the ability to take actions on behalf of other members of your group means that not everyone needs a screen/computer for it to be useful. For example: if I'm working all day in a job where I don't have a computer, and I can't see a proposal to vote on, another group member could call me or talk to me in person and record my opinion by proxy.

You're right, you could DDoS me, as you could any etherpad provider, any drupal site, or any other small fish on the 'net. Authentication doesn't remove that danger.

Facebook auth: This is super divisive; it's hard to get right. Adding more auth options adds confusion (this is well documented in design studies); many people don't or refuse to use facebook. We could add additional auth mechanisms if users call for it. Real name requirements are a no-go for security concerns; and my target users are small groups that know each other anyway, so pseudonyms are adequate. I'm simply not designing for large, anonymous groups -- Occupy GA's, for example, are not my target users. I'm designing for groups between 5 and 30 people who know each other well, have existing in-person meetings and trust each other already. Any other group type is what I consider mission creep. :)

PSTN: Would be awesome. My friends over at vojo are doing great stuff with this. But you have to start somewhere; and I decided to start with web browsers. You're right that this limits accessibility to less affluent people. SMS-based interaction would be a fundamentally different approach/project from what this one is; one that would be awesome, but a different project.

yourcelf commented 11 years ago

Oh, and about the icon: AWESOME! I hadn't even realized that the icon came from, I found it in the open clipart gallery. I'm so appreciative that you are happy with me using it. :)

jart commented 11 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. It would be a mistake to dismiss this as a design issue because I'm challenging this project on the grounds of raison d'être. I'm skeptical about whether or not it should even exist. Therefore I not only believe this ticket should remain open, but it should be considered a top priority. While I subscribed to your list, I'd prefer to keep this ticket here because this particular medium of communication restricts the discussion to the interested parties and I wouldn't want this to seem like I was trying to shame you on a public forum. If anything you should be commended for your hard work.

But working hard isn't enough. It's important to remember that as engineers we have a responsibility to serve others by making the world a better place. One of the ways we do that is by measuring our assumptions to see if they were actually true, and other times refraining from the urge to engineer altogether.

But I believe your project is going to fail regardless. That's because you don't have any vision, you don't have a design, and you don't have any science. I watched your MIT Tech Talk video and it was very inspiring. You articulated very clearly and charismatically the problems you're trying to solve. But my heart sank the moment you said this project would be designed by a participatory process. In the industry we call this "designed by committee". Nothing innovative was ever designed by a committee. Innovative products happen in two ways: a) scientific discovery and engineering breakthrough or b) brilliantly creative individuals with an uncompromising vision for design and a fanatical devotion to their product.

Therefore you have two choices. You can start getting scientific, write some papers, perhaps team up with a sociologist and studying people in a scientific manner to figure out what it would take to get them to use decision making tools, what they like, what they don't, etc. Or you can step up your game, realize that this is YOUR project, and start coding it how YOU think it should be rather than how random people in a housing cooperative think it should be. You're an engineer, it's your job to design their tools.

You also think too small! I believe this is one of the most important problems of our time that has the potential to completely transform the world... and you're trying to help a housing coop write points of unity? Is that what you want to be? Someone who writes niche tools for niche communities? I'm talking about overthrowing governments. I want to see organizing technology that is so fucking awesome and efficient that people will rise up and depose every mother fucking tyrant on this god damn planet including the supreme fascist himself!

Anyway to respond to some of your other points:

Why people can take actions without signing in: because login systems are a barrier to accessibility,

Not if it's Facebook authentication. They click a button and they're logged in. In fact, it increases accessibility because other people can start interacting with your product from inside Facebook. This brings your product to other people rather than expecting people to come to your product. That's just good business.

Facebook auth: This is super divisive

Not among the silent majority of Americans who use Facebook.

Adding more auth options adds confusion (this is well documented in design studies)

Which is exactly why you shouldn't have anonymous users and Facebook should be the only way to authenticate to the site.

SMS-based interaction would be a fundamentally different approach/project from what this one is; one that would be awesome, but a different project.

It wouldn't require a different approach. It would be a first class reliable means of notifying people when activity takes place in the decisions they're following to keep them engaged. If people donoffering people without access to computers a lower tier means of participating in the product.

jart commented 11 years ago

Sorry I accidentally hit enter. That last part was meant to say: If people don't stay engaged, the decisions stop being democratic because they're a hierarchy between the people who are sitting in front of their computers all day and the people who aren't. The only reliable way to get notifications out to absolutely everyone is by sending texts. It is fundamental to the design of this type of product.

Anyway I would like to share with you something:

That is a design document I drafted last year to build exactly what you're building. But no one was interested in funding it, so I got a job at Google instead. One important thing I did was I analyzed the competition so you might benefit from reading the list at the bottom of that document if you haven't heard of those projects already. Please steal as many of my ideas as you want. I secretly want you to succeed which is why I've spent so much time today commenting here.

Also with regard to "consensus", please be aware that it's considered harmful. I fully support practicing the "spirit" of consensus with things like temperature checks, and keeping people emotionally connected to how everyone else around them is feeling with a really tight feedback loop, but we shouldn't encourage people to practice the formal consensus because it leads to problems like the one you mentioned where people have to exclude others from their groups based on ideological principles in order to maintain order. Please read an essay I wrote on the matter for more information:

jart commented 11 years ago

You can also steal some code from here if you like There really isn't much of it though because the project was abandoned so quickly into development.

Here are some notes I took back in early 2012:

yourcelf commented 11 years ago

The only reliable way to get notifications out to absolutely everyone is by sending texts. It is fundamental to the design of this type of product.

If that's all you meant, then I'm in luck: text message notifications are already built in (I was imagining SMS as a primary means of interacting with the site or contributing content, which is a different question)!

They are currently only fired off for invitations; but notifications for daily activity summaries are right around the corner (see some of the recent commits for work I've been doing on that), and user-triggered notifications (e.g. a button to generate a notification) is next. I had automatic SMS and email notifications for proposals built in, but wasn't designed well enough -- it was spamming too much. So I'm backing off to manually fired notifications (e.g. when a facilitator or interested group member wants to move things forward), and might go into automatic notifications again, but only with clearer UI for which actions generate emails/texts.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss codesign -- valid debates can be held about the benefits of different degrees of user involvement in design decisions, but "design by committee" it is not.

Here's some of the related work I researched as background for this -- formatted less clearly than your concise summaries, but I'm happy to say that most of the projects you researched are there, and I definitely did analyze them carefully to see what worked and didn't. One that you didn't mention which I'd encourage you to check out is, which implements a discussion system similar in spirit to the design doc for Sparkles (though different in many specifics).

I appreciate the dissent about consensus. One of my favorite arguments against consensus is Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism by Chantal Mouffe, which talks about the importance of factional resistance. Other critiques I'm sympathetic to are Andrew Cornell's discussion in We are Many, which talks about the dysfunction present in Occupy GA's. I also devoured with interest two alternate histories of the origins of consensus in popular movements -- Freedom is an Endless Meeting by Francesca Polletta (summarized here), and Oppose and Propose by Andrew Cornell, which describes the way a fetishization of consensus led to dysfunction and the downfall of the movement, even as that consensus ethos spread to other groups.

I agree completely that consensus isn't the be-all/end-all that people sometimes claim it to be. In particular, I don't think anyone should ever use consensus in groups larger than 30 or 40 people. Our beliefs in the importance of factional resistance might be closer than you think -- I believe in the importance of affinity groups that share principles and agreement with each other and know each other, at a deep level, but which are limited in scale. For any larger groupings of people, affinity groups can resist each other if they disagree. They can also coordinate to the extent that there's agreement, but with no bonds to enforce unity.

I use "consensus" as the design language because I regard it as the pinnacle of difficulty in achieving effective group communication. If your communication tools can work for consensus, they can also work for lighter forms of agreement and participation.

Regarding getting scientific: to the extent that I'm able to, I am. :) This is a dissertation project. Here's the proposal. The primary evaluative technique is a structurational analysis, which comes from sociology. Through a series of interviews and workshops (which are ongoing right now), we're trying to learn more about the ur-question of democratic systems, which to me is the question of adoption. We have all kinds of democratic systems being built (as both of our related work sections show) -- but why aren't they being used?

I won't be able to answer this question globally for every type of group, every type of democratic process, etc. But I hope to be able to offer substantial insights into what the facilities, norms, and interpretive schemas that constitute small co-ops and affinity groups' adoption of this web-based tool set.

Is this too small? I don't think so. No one ever said that I would stop here. :) But with all the large-scale e-democracy fails, I think it's time people get down to the fundamentals and figure those out before trying to convince hundreds of millions of apathetic people to click a vote button on a website.

yourcelf commented 11 years ago

Oops, forgot the link to my related work listing, it's here: