Closed ns-1m closed 13 years ago
In my initial testing, OL-2.11 RC works fine.
To use the OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation control, pass a custom "mapOptions: { controls: [...] }" to the olwidget.Map constructor. See
For future reference, this sort of post is better suited to the mailing list than the issue tracker. Mailing list:
I like to use mobile OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation instead of Navigation for olwidget. How do I do this in olwidget?
I need WKT geometry text output in input new layers / edits which I am going to save in Spatialite database in local directory in iOS (e.g. iPad) and Android and also upload it to PostGIS server.
Any pointers what I am going to change in the olwidget codes inorder to achieve this feature?
I think it will be good to have other olwidget which will be called mobileOLwidget for mobile devices. This really good for field work activities.
BTW, is olwidget compatible with OL-2.11 RC?