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feature request: ability to change editing text color #689

Open girlcarew opened 7 years ago

girlcarew commented 7 years ago

When designing a website with a dark background, it would be helpful to be able to set the color of the text when editing a stack to white.

Black text on a dark background .... hard to read. stacks with dark background

yourhead commented 7 years ago

seems like changing the foreground edit-mode text color is really a band aid and only fixing the symptom, not the root cause.

without fixing the root cause of the problem it seems like we're just moving the problem to another place. for example: if the user sets the background color of the page to black -- and changes the text color to white to accommodate -- then any stack that has a white background color will now be unreadable.

i'm not it would even make the total number of problems smaller.

i think a better solution might be to make the content area of the stack a consistent color that is not affected by the background color. but that will require substantial changes to the UI -- which is not on the table for S3.5 -- so i'm punting this to 4.0

yourhead commented 5 years ago
