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Custom Color picker #776

Open joeworkman opened 6 years ago

joeworkman commented 6 years ago

It would be nice if there was a better way to manage colors and set colors outside of the standard color picker.

yourhead commented 6 years ago

what would such a color picker do that the standard picker doesn't do?

joeworkman commented 6 years ago

Have been thinking about this. I think that the more important thing is to come up with a way to save colors and create a palette on a pre project basis.

yourhead commented 6 years ago

Saved pallets would be nice. I could use that myself. hmmmm.... 🤔

joeworkman commented 6 years ago

Had an idea this morning. What if you took the global content (text) feature and ported that to colors? This would give us a way to easily assign the same exact color to many different color settings and then change them all with one single change. If you were to add some sort of UI to manage all of them in one area and it would be magic.

yourhead commented 6 years ago

It's a good idea -- but it's really in the wrong place. Obviously colors should span across pages. Doing ANYTHING that spans pages since RW 7.1 is nearly impossible. And is definitely impossible to do well. There will always be ugly limitations (like the limitation we have now where partials sometimes mark other pages as changed and sometimes don't).

I filed a feature request with RealMac to add global features like this to RapidWeaver -- it's much more apropos for the app to handle that sort of thing. And they obviously wouldn't have all the same limitations.

yourhead commented 5 years ago
