youridijk / homebridge-kaku-ics2000

HomeKit support for Klik Aan Klik Uit ICS-2000
Apache License 2.0
21 stars 6 forks source link

Please return type 6 #26

Open childledj opened 1 year ago

childledj commented 1 year ago

Can you please return type 6 (doorbell button) to devices, it helps me to do some automations

youridijk commented 1 year ago

I don’t understand you. If you want to change how devices show up on homebridge, edit the config for this plugin as shown in the

childledj commented 1 year ago

Nope, I have real Trust (CoCo or KlikaanKlikuit) doorbells with buttons, that I’ve been used for automations (when door open - doorbells are ringing. It was realized thru turning on doorbell button (it was switch in HK) by door sensor) and after some plugin update buttons disappear from homebridge/homekit.

youridijk commented 1 year ago

Ah I understand. I indeed changed this. Previously every non-identified device was shown as a switch. Right now, devices that aren't identified aren't shown. But you can override this in your config.json. To show device type 6 as a switch, you need to add an override for device type 6:

"deviceConfigOverrides": {
    "6": {
      "modelName": "ACDB 7000A doorbell",
      "onOffFunction": 0
childledj commented 1 year ago

Снимок экрана 2023-07-12 в 13 20 22 Have added but nothing changes after reboot (no buttons)

youridijk commented 11 months ago

Sorry, for the late response. Try flushing the cache or re-adding the HomeBridge to HomeKit.

childledj commented 1 month ago

Sorry for late answer! I have tried almost everything: Added overrides, remove and add ics-2000 plugin But these for devices did not appear in Homebridge nor Homekit As for the sensors - they are not necessary, but it would be great if they worked. As for doorbell chimes - they definitely worked before some update at late 2022 - early 2023.

This is part of my config (is this syntax correct?): Снимок экрана 2024-07-27 в 11 53 56

And this is HB log after boot up Снимок экрана 2024-07-27 в 11 51 39

If I completely removed these overrides in config - nothing changes