yourkarma / JWT

A JSON Web Token implementation in Objective-C.
MIT License
350 stars 107 forks source link

Support for Swift Package Manager for beta versions #238

Open Loutrinator opened 2 years ago

Loutrinator commented 2 years ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Info

Info Value
Platform Name ios
Platform Version any version from 11 to 15
CocoaLumberjack Version 3.0.0-beta.14
Integration Method Swift Package Manager
Xcode Version Xcode 12.5.1 and XCode 13
Repro rate all the time (100%)

Issue Description and Steps

I used to include JWT via CocoaPods for my framework but we are migrating it over SPM for easier internal usage. We are currently using the latest beta 3.0.0-beta.14 but unfortunately, it is currently impossible to include it via SPM.

Source of the problem

I tried to find the source of the problem and it seems that the Package.swift is not available in the beta releases of this framework.

Solution ?

Could you make the Package.swift available for beta releases ? It would make it easier for SPM users to include your framework, as we would not be forced to use only officially released versions (which is possible via CocoaPods). If you don't want to add this file to your beta releases, when are you planning you release the 3.0.0 version ? It would help us delay our SPM migration according to your planning.

Thank you in advance

Best regards


This is Package.swift dependencies :

Capture d’écran 2021-11-09 à 17 09 17

and this is the error that XCode is throwing at me :

Capture d’écran 2021-11-09 à 17 10 28

Capture d’écran 2021-11-09 à 17 11 17