yourlabs / django-autocomplete-light

A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations, specially for Django. Status: v4 alpha, v3 stable, v2 & v1 deprecated.
MIT License
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Possible SSL or Certification issue on Development Server? #791

Open sid9553 opened 7 years ago

sid9553 commented 7 years ago

Hi jpic,

First off, thanks for your ongoing support and development of this highly useful app. I have encountered an error when using this app on my development server. The app works perfectly locally, however on the devserver the 'filter' function doesn't work. On doing some tests and prints, the app appears to be being blocked from sending out the request, and is returning 'None' to the filtered field, which results in no filtering. We have a had a look at the actual urls and data being sent out, and as said before on the devserver it is none. Here is a copy of the url on both servers (local server first) on clicking the filtered dropdown.

The devserver appears to not run the forward.js file, and so far I've been theorizing that something has been blocking it. We are running Python2.7 on Apache 2.4.7 and had an insecurePlatformWarning but updated the urllib3 to counter this.

I am wondering if you had encountered something like this before and had any ideas on how to fix it. All suggestions are appreciated.

Regards Ahmad

jpic commented 7 years ago

Pleased to meet you Ahmad, but I don't understand how to reproduce this bug, and none of the URLs respond for me.

I suggest you use a Python debugger to figure what's going on exactly, what's the difference in the context of both cases, and if possible make a pull request with the code you've needed to change to make it work for you which will make it even better to understand what we need to fix ;)

gagarski commented 7 years ago

Hi Ahmad.

It seems like there is some client-side issue on your dev server. First of all, compare contents of JS files related to DAL (especially autocomplete_light/select2.js and autocomplete_light/forward.js) between your localhost and dev server using your browser dev tools. If they differ, please ensure that you use the same DAL version. Or maybe you just have to run ./ collectstatic to update static files.

jpic commented 7 years ago

Perhaps this can help: too:

sid9553 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. For now I've written my own autocomplete fields (not quite as nice as yours), until I figure why it isn't running on dev. Collectstatic has been run and all static files are identical, as mentioned previously and after speaking with a colleague, we believe it's a security thing.

jpic commented 7 years ago

Ohhh, perhaps you have a WAF that blocks the forward request because it's a json encoded value !

It believes this JSON url encoded string is a shellcode or something : %7B%22step%22%3A%222%22%7D Lol, silly WAF :poodle:

Perhaps you could patch DAL to support POST-ing this data ? It shouldn't be hard, i think it's just an option in select2.

gagarski commented 7 years ago

@sid9553 Do you see these request URLS in server logs or in browser dev console?

sid9553 commented 7 years ago

gagarski, those are the urls that show up in the browser dev console. jpic, I believe your theory is highly likely, I'll have a look at select2.

sid9553 commented 7 years ago

Hi jpic,

I haven't found the option in select2 that you are talking about. I have tried to see which portion of select2 the app is running through, and it doesn't seem to be running through select2, I'm only getting prints from dal views (dispatch function), dal widgets, and forward.js. Could you point me in the right direction?


gagarski commented 7 years ago

@sid9553 Could you look carefully at network tab of your browser dev console? Is hieta/stepoptionautocomplete/ only request sent from your browser to server (or you get some redirects from server or smth)? If so, this is likely client-side issue not related to server configuration and WAF and we have to debug DAL JS.

gagarski commented 7 years ago

@jpic Please correct me if I've understood your thoughts about WAF wrongly.

jpic commented 7 years ago

If the requests URL in the server logs correspond exactly to the URL in the browser inspector Network tab, then it's not a WAF issue.