yourstack / ramlnova

ramlnova is the next-generation RESTful-APIs Generator software that makes you Reduce the 70% server coding workload. It's scalable, intelligent, and fast.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
9 stars 0 forks source link

status? #1

Open sichvoge opened 7 years ago

sichvoge commented 7 years ago

Hi, just came across this project and wonder if thats still alive?

ryanemax commented 7 years ago

Sorry, this project is no longer maintained.

MBaaS is more effective to build Restful Apis backend in production env, rather than Code Generation.

So, I change my mind to contribute,

the perfect MBaaS opensource project.

parse-server's official version is also built by golang, and opensource version is nodejs/express.

There is it's RESTful APIs Doc:

If you have interesting idea, we could talk about more.
