yousseb / meld

Meld for macOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Majova fix build is unable to open conflicted files #73

Open SemihGk opened 5 years ago

SemihGk commented 5 years ago

Regarding this issue #70 , @yousseb released a nightly build for the Mohave compatibility issue. I tested the build. However, the new build is unable to open conflicted files.

There was a problem opening the file “somepath/”. There was a problem opening the file “somepath/”. There was a problem opening the file “somepath/”.

I checked the files and they exist. Somehow, Mojave cannot open the files. Here is my .gitconfig

    email = my email
    name = my name

 tool = meld
 prompt = false
[difftool "meld"]
 trustExitCode = true
 cmd = open -W -a Meld --args \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
 tool = meld
 prompt = false
[mergetool "meld"]
 trustExitCode = true
 cmd = open -W -a Meld --args --auto-merge \"$LOCAL\" \"$BASE\" \"$REMOTE\" --output=\"$MERGED\"

# git change-commits GIT_COMMITTER_NAME "old name" "new name"
change-commits = "!f() { VAR=$1; OLD=$2; NEW=$3; shift 3; git filter-branch -f --env-filter \"if [[ \\\"$`echo $VAR`\\\" = '$OLD' ]]; then export $VAR='$NEW'; fi\" $@; }; f "

Another note that the project is an Anroid repo and is quite large. I smell an async issue. Maybe, when Meld tries to open the files, they might not be created at that time. It is just a guess though.

This issue is only problem at the mojave build. If I run stable build, there is no this kind of path issue despite the fact that I need to run clean meld settings script each time.

mitu-lv commented 5 years ago

Please check your .gitconfig. This might help:

[mergetool "meld"]
trustExitCode = true
cmd = open -W -a Meld --args --auto-merge \"$PWD/$LOCAL\" \"$PWD/$BASE\" \"$PWD/$REMOTE\" --output=\"$PWD/$MERGED\"
knumat commented 5 years ago

I'm seeing the same issue on a simple git difftool command. I'm currently running macOS 10.14.1 Mojave. Before upgrading to Mojave, I had been successfully using this .gitconfig file:

  tool = meld
  prompt = false
[difftool "meld"]
  trustExitCode = true
  cmd = open -W -a Meld --args \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"

Using the latest build from @yousseb , I ran 'git difftool test.txt` on a simple repository. Meld opens with a file on the left and an error on the right, as shown here:

There was a problem opening the file “/test.txt”.
Error opening file /test.txt: No such file or directory

Running ps shows that the following command is running:

/Applications/ /var/folders/d_/hrd5rw9j3j90q4bxmyvzx4p80000gn/T//awpnka_test.txt test.txt

Then I prepended $PWD/ to $LOCAL and $REMOTE as suggested by @mitu-lv and then re-reran the same command again. This time when Meld opens, there is an error on the left and a file on the right.

There was a problem opening the file “/Users/knumat/Documents/test/var/folders/d_/hrd5rw9j3j90q4bxmyvzx4p80000gn/T/C2Gc7a_test.txt”.
Error opening file /Users/knumat/Documents/test/var/folders/d_/hrd5rw9j3j90q4bxmyvzx4p80000gn/T/C2Gc7a_test.txt: No such file or directory

Running ps shows that the following process is running:

/Applications/ /Users/knumat/Documents/test//var/folders/d_/hrd5rw9j3j90q4bxmyvzx4p80000gn/T//C2Gc7a_test.txt /Users/knumat/Documents/test/test.txt

As best I can tell, it looks like this build of Meld must be prepending / to the beginning of the filename. This works fine for absolute paths, but does not work for relative paths. Prepending $PWD/ is a fine workaround if you only want to deal with relative paths, but doesn't work if dealing with absolute paths. I'm assuming that is why it was removed from the documentation:

SemihGk commented 5 years ago

@mitu-lv Thank you for your suggestion. I just tested your suggestion and it works like a charm. I appreciated. As @knumat mentioned above, this suggestion should be updated in the documentation as well.

yousseb commented 5 years ago

As of this build

meld should act exactly as it would in Linux. No wrapper script involved anymore. Please verify and let me know.

knumat commented 5 years ago

@yousseb Thanks for the updated build! Meld successfully starts without a wrapper script, so that's great news. Running ps now shows the following:

/Applications/ /var/folders/d_/hrd5rw9j3j90q4bxmyvzx4p80000gn/T//awpnka_test.txt test.txt

However, something inside Meld still seems to be prepended a slash at the beginning of relative filenames when I run git difftool text.txt (see my previous comment). Specifically, I'm still getting the following error:

There was a problem opening the file “/test.txt”.
Error opening file /test.txt: No such file or directory


knumat commented 5 years ago

I finally got Meld working with local paths with the following .gitconfig file that runs Meld directly instead of using open:

        tool = meld
        prompt = false
[difftool "meld"]
        trustExitCode = true
        #cmd = open -W -a Meld --args \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
        cmd = /Applications/ \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"

I'm not sure why running Meld directly is different than using open, since the Meld command line arguments appear to be the same when I run ps. Maybe there are some differences in environment variables? Or perhaps macOS sanitizes the ps output for security reasons? Can anyone else shed some light on this subject?

Victorcorcos commented 5 years ago

Please check your .gitconfig. This might help:

[mergetool "meld"]
trustExitCode = true
cmd = open -W -a Meld --args --auto-merge \"$PWD/$LOCAL\" \"$PWD/$BASE\" \"$PWD/$REMOTE\" --output=\"$PWD/$MERGED\"

Very nice. This worked for me and I was facing the same issue as @SemihGk

askmeaks commented 5 years ago

I was able to open the conflicting files by prepending $PWD in the path, but while trying to save the edits, it throws an error: Couldn't save file due to: g-io-error-quark: Error opening file "/test": Permission denied (14) It's somehow prepending path with a "/" which might be causing the problem. The command-line for Meld shows: /Applications/ --auto-merge /private/tmp/git_test/v1/./test_LOCAL_70233 /private/tmp/git_test/v1/./test_BASE_70233 /private/tmp/git_test/v1/./test_REMOTE_70233 --output=test

cvengros commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem - looks like sometimes you get relative paths and sometimes absolute. This is what I ended up with:

[difftool "meld"]  
  # if REMOTE or LOCAL starts with /, use it as is, if not, prepend $PWD
  cmd = open -W -a Meld --args \"$([[ "$LOCAL" == /* ]] && echo "$LOCAL" || echo "$PWD/$LOCAL")\"  \"$([[ "$REMOTE" == /* ]] && echo "$REMOTE" || echo "$PWD/$REMOTE")\"