youtube / youtube-ios-player-helper

Lightweight helper library that allows iOS developers to add inline playback of YouTube videos through a WebView
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Is there a way to override becomeFirstResponder() for YTPlayerView? #412

Open ledzeppelin opened 3 years ago

ledzeppelin commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all the work on this library 🎉

When people use my app to interact with inline youtube embeds (ex. pausing, getting the share link, etc...) my inputAccessoryView disappears. I've been able to solve this issue for WKWebView video embeds from websites other than youtube, like twitch, by using

class TwitchWKWebView: WKWebView {
    override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool { return false }

I'm not sure if subclassing YTPlayerView is the best option here but when I tried, I got the error

Received error rendering template: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=258 "The file name is invalid."

Is there a practical way I can prevent my inputAccessoryView from disappearing when people interact with inline youtube embeds?