yoyofr / modizer

iOS chiptune/module player
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PSF files won't play unless renamed to PSF2 #112

Closed TheGuyinShades closed 4 months ago

TheGuyinShades commented 4 months ago

This is a minor issue, but PSF files can't be played unless the extension is changed to PSF2. This happens even if they come from a PS1 game and originally had the PSF extension.

This issue wasn't introduced with the new version, it has been the case since I've using it (about a year).

yoyofr commented 4 months ago

Are you sure it's not the files you use which are having issues ? I've just tried and both psf & minipsf files play ok in my dev build (no change on PSF compared / v3.3). Please try download a file from JoshW or Modland (if modland, download first the psflib before any minipsf file). -> online tab / choose JoshW/Console/PS1 or choose Modland / Format 'Playstation Sound Format'

TheGuyinShades commented 4 months ago

All my PSF files are from JoshW, I downloaded a soundtrack from Modland to compare and the results were the same.

The files will play if they have a minipsf or psf2 extension, but if it has a psf extension modizer will hang for a few seconds and then come back, but the file won't play.

yoyofr commented 4 months ago

that's very strange. I tried again with v3.3 from appstore and it works (tried xenogear from joshw). Please share a file that isn't working for you. Did you also try to reset your settings ? You have v3.3 installed ? Would be useful to have your device details (device model, iOS version)

TheGuyinShades commented 4 months ago

Resetting my settings did fix it, thank you! I thought I had tried that already, I'm sorry. Thank you for your work on this and the SSF problem!