yoyofr / modizer

iOS chiptune/module player
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About VGM(play) Version #26

Closed vus7294 closed 7 years ago

vus7294 commented 8 years ago

i saw vgm core version in modizer is 1.70 and VGMplay verson is 0.40.5. Well. there is a new version came out 2015. that version is 1.71(VGM), 0.40.7(VGMplay). vgm 1.71 and vgmplay 0.40.7 have more chiptune compatibility feature c352, nmk112(okim6295)(later toaplan 2), Wonderswan, NES, And more. i think you say "Compile yourself guy." But i don't have ios development technology and I DON'T HAVE MAC. hmm.. what's your opinion, developer?

NexusEast commented 8 years ago

Just wait for author update VGM & VGMPlay to latest, then wait for him (or she? I doubt it. ) upload modizer to AppStore.