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software module---UI Design strategy of software #16

Open yoyoyo1991 opened 7 years ago

yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago

https://www.comsol.com/ Case for visullization

yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago


Applications Engineer: Multiphysics Primary Responsibilities

Interact with COMSOL customers in government, industry, and academia.
Support the usage of COMSOL Multiphysics by addressing technical concerns, providing guidance, advice, and modeling assistance in a wide variety of application areas, particularly those involving heat transfer, structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, acoustics, electromagnetics, and multiphysics modeling.
Develop models that show features and capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics.
Develop and teach training classes.
Give COMSOL product demonstrations at seminars, workshops, conferences, and meetings with customers. Work collaboratively with developers to implement new features and participate in the overall product development of COMSOL Multiphysics. 


Business oriented and willing to work with customers on a daily basis.
Genuine interest in mathematical modeling, computational physics, and software simulation.
Strong written and verbal communication skills High energy, self-motivated, quick study with flexible nature. 


A challenging opportunity to expand your knowledge in a wide variety of physics application areas and to work on problems spanning all engineering fields.
Highly creative and qualified teams with a diversity of experience.
Great career opportunities at a quickly growing high-tech software company.
Casual atmosphere in a spacious office, with free access to gym. 


M.S. or Ph.D. in engineering, physical sciences, or life sciences.
Demonstrated experience with computational modeling.
5%-10% travel per month. 

COMSOL is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago


yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago


yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago

We are looking for candidates with the following skills and experience:

yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago

numerical analysis PDE ODE FEM FDM FVM

Deep learning: ANN, RBF, SVM,

Optimisation: Parameter estimisation(Maximum likelihood MLE, estimated maximum estimation,GMM), GA, Bayes estimation

Data analysis: Time series,Statistic analysis

scaling Buckingham pi theory

Experimental skills?

Material science process technology of metal Laser manufacturing process Casting process Forming process Metallurgical process Pyrolysis process

Programming: Python C++ JAVA QT VTK JavaScript


Project management:

Test of material property:

Measurement of material properties: measurement of mechanical property: friction coefficient measurement in fluid dynamics measurement of thermal pysical properties

beam tracing techniques micro model

methods: randomforest naiveBayes SupportVectorMachine NearestNeighbors LogisticRegression

fluid structure interaction simulation

Data preparetion: standardize, clip, rescale,threshold,logisticSigmoid,ImageAdjust,CountsBy,GroupBy,SortBy, DeleteDuplicates

Filtering Data: MovingAverage,GaussianFilter,MeanFilter,MeanShiftFilter,LowpassFilter

yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago

lattice bolzmann simulation

yoyoyo1991 commented 7 years ago


  1. How many Interface we need to design
  2. What is customers' expectation
  3. collect some examples

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