Closed subhanahmed047 closed 8 years ago
I believe you have to set the ajax.dataSrc
option to 'nodes' in your example. See
So you would set $options = [ 'ajax' => [ 'dataSrc' => 'nodes', 'url' => $this->Url->build() …
No setting dataSrc didn't solved my problem.
here is my code:
$options = [ 'ajax' => [ 'dataSrc' => 'nodes', 'url' => $this->Url->build()], 'data' => $nodes, 'deferLoading' => $nodes->count(), // 'columns' => [ [ 'name' => '', 'data' => 'id', 'visible' => true, 'searchable' => false, ], ], 'order' => [0, 'asc'] ]; echo $this->DataTables->table('Nodes', $options, ['class' => 'table table-striped']);
Did you check the Javascript console in your browser if there are any errors? This sounds like there is a problem on the client side. You can also use the 'view source' feature of your browser to see what is printed by the table() command.
Here is the error in console:
Uncaught ReferenceError: initDataTables is not defined
Here is my view source:
<table class="dataTable table table-striped" id="Nodes"></table><script>
initDataTables('#Nodes', {"searching":true,"processing":true,"serverSide":true,"deferRender":true,"className":"DataTables.DataTables","language":{"emptyTable":"No data available in table","info":"Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries","infoEmpty":"No entries to show","infoFiltered":"(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)","lengthMenu":"Show _MENU_ entries","processing":"Processing...","search":"Search:","zeroRecords":"No matching records found","paginate":{"first":"First","last":"Last","next":"Next","previous":"Previous"},"aria":{"sortAscending":": activate to sort column ascending","sortDescending":": activate to sort column descending"}},"ajax":{"dataSrc":"nodes","url":"\/cp3workspace\/shopengine\/nodes"},"data":[{"id":1,"apps_id":1,"categories_id":2,"title":"Civic 2016 for sale","quantity":"1","status":1,"price":"2400000","thumb":null,"image":"","created":"2016-03-13T14:49:06+0000","modified":"2016-03-13T14:49:06+0000","first_name":null,"middle_name":null,"category":{"id":2,"name":"Honda","parent_id":1,"lft":2,"rght":3},"app":{"id":1,"title":"Shop","created":"2016-03-13T14:46:56+0000"}}],"deferLoading":1,"columns":[{"name":"","data":"id","visible":true,"searchable":false}],"order":[0,"asc"]});
I think you have an error in your script block, it reads
so I guess the protocol part of the URL is missing.
Could you solve your issue?
Hey I'm glad to see that how active you have been for resolving the problems with this plugin. Here i have an issue, I followed along your quick start guide. Here is my Controller's index method:
public function index() { $nodes = $this->DataTables->find('Nodes', 'all', [ 'contain' => ['Apps', 'Categories'] ]); $this->set('nodes', $nodes); $this->set('_serialize', array_merge($this->viewVars['_serialize'], ['nodes'])); }
Here is my index.ctp:
$options = [ 'ajax' => [ 'url' => $this->Url->build() // current controller, action, params ], 'data' => $nodes, 'deferLoading' => $nodes->count(), // 'columns' => [ [ 'name' => '', 'data' => 'id', 'visible' => true, 'searchable' => false, ], ], 'order' => [0, 'asc'] // order by username ]; echo $this->DataTables->table('Nodes', $options, ['class' => 'table table-striped']);
In AppController i've also added helpers:
public $helpers = [ 'DataTables' => [ 'className' => 'DataTables.DataTables' ] ];
public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $this->loadComponent('DataTables.DataTables'); }
But when i browse to index.ctp, i get nothing, no error, no table nothing is being displayed. I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong, can you please help me figure this out.
Here is my script and CSS in layout:
echo $this->Html->script([ '', '//', '', 'DataTables.cakephp.dataTables.js', ], ['block' => true]);