yql / yql-tables

YQL is extensible using a table definition. This repository will hold community contributed definitions.
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Yahoo Finance Sector is not working #445

Open zackb opened 9 years ago

zackb commented 9 years ago

The yahoo.finance.sectors query isnt returning results. I believe the structure of the html has changed here: https://github.com/yql/yql-tables/blob/master/yahoo/finance/yahoo.finance.sectors.xml#L30

rumaovijay commented 9 years ago

HTML document structure has changed. XPATH needs to be updated

hustcer commented 9 years ago

@robertoafjr I have the same problem too, Please fix it, many thanks.

robertoafjr commented 9 years ago

@hustcer this has been fixed and merged

hustcer commented 9 years ago

@robertoafjr Thanks very much, when will it work ?

zackb commented 9 years ago

Thank you much. https://github.com/yql/yql-tables/commit/523d643d893303696945099ac6ce10e73bc83c7b

mraaa commented 9 years ago

@robertoafjr Hi, you say you merged it. But in the YQL console, it still not working. Is this only my problem ? or it just not updated to the YQL console ? Thanks.

robertoafjr commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone, I do not work for Yahoo! and this is my first contribution to the Open Tables project. I understand from this pull request (https://github.com/yql/yql-tables/pull/444) that my fix had been tested and merged. Although, I am not sure what is the process to have it up and running in the YQL console.

robertoafjr commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am not sure why it is not working yet. As I understand it, they have merged the code, but maybe haven't deployed it yet?

Anyways, I have placed (below) my fixed version of the yahoo.finance.sectors.xml file. You can make it work by uploading it to your server and calling it from the YQL query as in:

use "http://www.myserver.co.uk/yql/yahoo.finance.sectors.xml" as yahoo.finance.sectors; select * from yahoo.finance.sectors;

This is how I got it to work on my website...

Hope it helps.

Best regards, Roberto Fajardo

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<table xmlns="http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/schema/table.xsd">
    <author>Tom Powers</author>
    <description>Yahoo Finance Stock Summary Information</description>
    <sampleQuery>select * from {table} where symbol="yhoo"</sampleQuery>
    <select itemPath="" produces="XML">
        <key id="symbol" type="xs:string" paramType="variable" required="true"/>
    // pad string with leading char
    String.prototype.pad = function (padchar, padlen) {
    s = this
    while (s.length < padlen) {
        s = padchar + s;
    return s;

    String.prototype.trim = function () {
    var str = this.replace(/^\s\s*/, ''),
            ws = /\s/,
            i = str.length;
    while (ws.test(str.charAt(--i)));
    return str.slice(0, i + 1);

    function getQuoteInfo() {
    // Get company name & market from Yahoo Quotes Summary page
    var results = quoteQuery.results;
    elements = results.*.length();
    if (elements == 0)
        return false;

    stock.CompanyName = results.h1.text().toString().trim();
    var marketSymbolStr = results.div.span.toString();
    //var match = marketSymbolStr.match(/^[^:]+:\s+([^)]+)\)$/); matches stock symbol
    var match = marketSymbolStr.match(/^\(([^:]+):/);
    if (match != null) {
        stock.CompanyName += <Market>{match[1]}</Market>;
    return true;

    function getHistoricalPrice() {
    // Get the Historical Price Range
    var results = historicalQuery.results;
    elements = results.*.length();
    if (elements < 6)
        return false;
    startMonth = String(parseInt(results.option[0].@value)+1).pad("0", 2);
    startDay = results.input[0].@value.toString().pad("0", 2);
    startYear = results.input[1].@value.toString();
    endMonth = String(parseInt(results.option[1].@value)+1).pad("0", 2);
    endDay = results.input[2].@value.toString().pad("0", 2);
    endYear = results.input[3].@value.toString();

    startDate = startYear + "-" + startMonth + "-" + startDay;
    endDate = endYear + "-" + endMonth + "-" + endDay;

    return true;

    function getProfileInfo() {
    // Get the Sector, Industry, Full Time Employees from Profile page
    var results = profileQuery.results;
    elements = results.*.length();
    if (elements == 0)
        return false;
    for each (var tr in results.tr){
        //Remove trailing colon, and strip whitespace
        var property = tr.td[0].text().toString().slice(0, -1).replace(/\s+/g, "");
        switch (property.toLowerCase()) {
            case 'indexmembership':
        case 'fulltimeemployees':
            //Strip commas
            value = tr.td[1].text().toString().replace(/,/g, "");
            //Convert whitespace to single space
            value = tr.td[1].*.text().toString().replace(/\s+/g, " ");
    return true;

    // Queue the queries
    var url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s="+symbol;
    var profileQuery = y.query(
    "select * from html " +
    "where url=@url and " + 
    "xpath='//table[@class=\"yfnc_datamodoutline1\"]//tr//td//table//tr' " +
    "limit 4",

    var url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s="+symbol;
    var quoteQuery = y.query(
    "select * from html " +
    "where url=@url and " +
    "xpath='" +
    "//div[@id=\"yfi_investing_head\"]/h1 | " +
    "//div[@class=\"yfi_quote_summary\"]/div[1]'" ,

    var url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s="+symbol;
    var historicalQuery = y.query(
    "select * from html " +
    "where url=@url and " + 
    "xpath='" +
    "//option[@selected=\"selected\"] | " + 
    "//input[@maxlength=\"2\"] | " +

    var stock = <stock symbol={symbol}></stock>;


    response.object = stock
