yqrashawn / GokuRakuJoudo

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Makefile.local build fails vs makefile #215

Open eugenesvk opened 1 year ago

eugenesvk commented 1 year ago

The extra options -J-Dclojure.compiler.elide-meta=[:doc :file :line :added], specifically :line :added are unknown

/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk19-graalvm/Contents/Home/bin/native-image -H:+ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime --no-server -J-Dclojure.compiler.elide-meta=[:doc :file :line :added] -J-Dclojure.spec.skip-macros=true -Djdk.internal.lambda.eagerlyInitialize=false -jar target/karabiner-configurator-0.1.0-standalone.jar
Warning: Ignoring server-mode native-image argument --no-server.
Error: Unknown arguments: :line, :added]
make[2]: *** [bin] Error 1

Removing those leads to

Failed generating ':file]' after 11.5s.

Removing that one proceeds with initialization fine, but then breaks

Fatal error: com.oracle.graal.pointsto.util.AnalysisError$ParsingError: Error encountered while parsing com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory.<clinit>()
Parsing context: <no parsing context available>

Removing the whole -J-Dclojure.compiler.elide-meta didn't help

Tweaking the regular makefile to the same native-image path builds fine

Or adding --initialize-at-build-time seems to do the trick Not sure what the proper substitute for the removed options is and what the last flag does, but would be nice is the template/instructions were updated to whatever is correct