yqrashawn / GokuRakuJoudo

config karabiner with ease
GNU General Public License v3.0
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device specific rules and misc issues #237

Open michaelssingh opened 8 months ago

michaelssingh commented 8 months ago

I hope that these sorts of issues are not frowned upon in the community. I have asked on the Karabiner telegram but it appears that people aren't quite expecting questions in which the configuration language is EDN.

I have the following rule and I am not quite sure why it isn't working, this rule is not being applied to my keyboard

{:des   "Swap Win and Alt on Thinkpad Trackpoint Keybaord"
         :rules [:tpkb
                 [:left_option  :left_command]
                 [:left_command :left_option]
                 [:right_option :right_command]
                 [:print_screen :left_option]]}
:devices {:tpkb     [{:product_id 6127 :vendor_id 24801}]
           :internal [{:product_id 1452 :vendor_id 833}]}

I also have another rule that I am not sure why it isn't working either

{:des   "Spacebar -> Option if held, otherwise spacebar"
         :rules [[:##spacebar :left_option     :held {:alone :spacebar}]]}

I hope someone is able to spot something because I haven't been able to figure them out for a few months now

jannis-baum commented 8 months ago

I replied to you on Telegram; the part about mapping space to option when held should work like this:

[:##spacebar :left_option nil {:alone [:spacebar]}]

As far as I know, your :held is not a valid condition. Instead, we do it the other way around and map space to option on the condition nil, i.e. always, and then map it back to space when it is pressed alone.

I'm not sure what's the issue with your device-related configuration, but I found this example config in the in-the-wild.md file where someone uses device conditions as well, maybe that helps :)

In general I find these examples and the Telegram group to be the best shot at figuring stuff out. I think most people use Goku in the group so feel free to ask stuff there. People are usually very helpful there as long as the person asking is friendly, makes an effort to find an answer themselves, and the questions don't turn into spam.