check if the platform orchestrator performed the step to upgrade subnet canister with appropriate version: Platform Orchestrator function
check the status of upgrade for individual canisters in subnet orchestrators and verify the version. Example for one of the subnet orchesrator: Subnet Orchestrator function
To test the platform orchestrator, you can use the following command:
dfx canister call --query 74zq4-iqaaa-aaaam-ab53a-cai get_subnet_last_upgrade_status --network=ic
the canister id (74zq4-iqaaa-aaaam-ab53a-cai) is taken from the canister_ids.json file
To check the status of the deployment
To test the platform orchestrator, you can use the following command:
dfx canister call --query 74zq4-iqaaa-aaaam-ab53a-cai get_subnet_last_upgrade_status --network=ic
the canister id (74zq4-iqaaa-aaaam-ab53a-cai) is taken from the canister_ids.json file