yrcong / RelTR

RelTR: Relation Transformer for Scene Graph Generation: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11460v2
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How to use the resulting weight file for evaluation #52

Open 48215 opened 2 months ago

48215 commented 2 months ago

I defined my own dataset and got a lot of PTH files on how I could do that and use it on the command line. command line:python main.py --dataset vg --img_folder data/vg/images/ --ann_path data/vg/ --eval --batch_size 1 --resume ckpt/checkpoint0149.pth

ikram-md commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, would you mind telling more about how did you generate your own dataset? cause i filtering VG set based on some classes but the model crashes and it won't even start training