yrosseel / lavaan

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Allow third party optimizers to estimate parameters #319

Closed jhorzek closed 4 months ago

jhorzek commented 4 months ago

Experimenting with adapted fitting functions has been gaining some traction recently (e.g., lasso regularized SEM). To simplify those endeavors using lavaan, I've created a basic export function (lav_export_estimation) that allows extracting starting values, the fitting function, and the analytic gradients function based on a lavaan model.

The function is based on lav_model_estimate and should still be considered experimental. I haven't run a lot of tests yet, so if you have some scripts I should run, please let me know!

Here is an example:

model <- ' 
  # latent variable definitions
     ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
     dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4
     dem65 =~ y5 + a*y6 + y7 + y8

  # regressions
    dem60 ~ ind60
    dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60

fit <- sem(model, 
           data = PoliticalDemocracy, 
           do.fit = FALSE)

est <- lav_export_estimation(lavaan_model = fit)

# The starting values are:
# Note that these do not have labels (and may also differ from coef(fit) in case of
# equality constraints):
# To get the same parameters, use:
est$get_coef(parameter_values = est$starting_values, 
             lavaan_model = fit)

# The objective function can be used to compute the fit at the current estimates:
est$objective_function(parameter_values = est$starting_values, 
                       lavaan_model = fit)

# The gradient function can be used to compute the gradients at the current estimates:
est$gradient_function(parameter_values = est$starting_values, 
                      lavaan_model = fit)

# Together, these elements provide the means to estimate the parameters with a large
# range of optimizers. For simplicity, here is an example using optim:
est_fit <- optim(par = est$starting_values, 
                 fn = est$objective_function,
                 gr = est$gradient_function,
                 lavaan_model = fit,
                 method = "BFGS")
est$get_coef(parameter_values = est_fit$par,
             lavaan_model = fit)

# This is identical to
         data = PoliticalDemocracy))

# Example using ridge regularization for parameter a
fn_ridge <- function(parameter_values, lavaan_model, est, lambda){
  return(est$objective_function(parameter_values = parameter_values, 
                                lavaan_model = lavaan_model) + lambda * parameter_values[6]^2)
ridge_fit <- optim(par = est$get_coef(est$starting_values,
                                      lavaan_model = fit), 
                   fn = fn_ridge, 
                   lavaan_model = fit,
                   est = est,
                   lambda = 10)
est$get_coef(parameter_values = ridge_fit$par,
             lavaan_model = fit)
yrosseel commented 4 months ago

My apologies for the late response. But I think this is a great idea. Thanks a lot. Merged now.

jhorzek commented 4 months ago

Awesome, thank you!