ysard / mintrayr

Mozilla extension: Minimize windows into the system tray (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Instantbird)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
130 stars 14 forks source link

Doesn't work on Manjaro Linux #10

Closed DissCent closed 5 years ago

DissCent commented 5 years ago

So I have Thunderbird 60.0 installed, but I can't find the add-on on AMO, which is why I downloaded the XPI file manually and imported it into Thunderbird.

While the installation seems to work fine, there is neither a tray icon afterwards, nor a configuration option. The add-on seems to be loading according to this output:

console.log: "mintrayr - extension path: " "/home/philipp/.thunderbird/rj9xdcm6.default/extensions/mintray-reanimated@ysard.xpi"
console.log: "mintrayr - extraction path: " "/home/philipp/.thunderbird/rj9xdcm6.default/extensions/mintray-reanimated@ysard"

Any idea what might be wrong here?

EDIT: Also tried building the add-on myself (including the native lib) but that didn't help as well.

ysard commented 5 years ago

Hi, i'm still waiting a review on AMO. It has been 1 month... Is your problem similar to #7 ? If there is no error involving "loadManifestFromFile", it is another issue.

DissCent commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your quick reply.

My full console output is this, so I don't think the issues are related:

[calBackendLoader] Using Thunderbird's builtin libical backend
console.log: "mintrayr - extension path: " "/home/philipp/.thunderbird/evtdzun1.default/extensions/mintray-reanimated@ysard.xpi"
console.log: "mintrayr - extraction path: " "/home/philipp/.thunderbird/evtdzun1.default/extensions/mintray-reanimated@ysard"
*** UTM:SVC TimerManager:registerTimer called after profile-before-change notification. Ignoring timer registration for id: telemetry_modules_ping

I'm actually not sure why there is also no settings button for the add-on - it just looks like that:


(Deaktivieren = Disable, Entfernen = Delete)

ysard commented 5 years ago

Ok, In fact Thunderbird still accepts that the options of the addons are accessible from the drop-down menu of the main window: "Tools / Add-on Options" As shown here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird/Add-ons_Guide_57#Removed_and_changed_in_mozilla59 It should be the case on your installation.

DissCent commented 5 years ago

Ooh okay, I didn't know that, sorry!

So I accessed the settings now and closing thunderbird or minimizing it actually hides the window and doesn't exit the program, but there is still no tray icon which I can click to restore the window :/

Output is still the same (with 1.4.6).

DissCent commented 5 years ago

It seems to be KDE specific I guess. When entering my system tray settings, I can enable/disable the Thunderbird entry in the list while it is running, but it doesn't show.

DissCent commented 5 years ago

Oh well, never mind - I just restarted KDE and the icon is there now. Thanks and sorry for the trouble!