ysard / mintrayr

Mozilla extension: Minimize windows into the system tray (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Instantbird)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Problems related to the context menu under windows #3

Closed ysard closed 6 years ago

ysard commented 6 years ago

This is the following of what has been written here: https://github.com/nmaier/mintrayr/issues/188#issuecomment-420934976

openPopup() is executed. But it does nothing without any error but:

Originally popup was called on cloneMenu instead of menu. It seems like cloneMenu was workaround for placing menu outside of Thunderbird...? But I don't understand how this works. Very weird. I think the problem is that menu is referenced to main window. If I move main window position of menu is following. This is why menu is in weird spot. When Thunderbird is minimized then there is no main window present. So menu can't be shown. But I have no idea how to solve this issue. How to create popup "outside". Maybe this is what cloneMenu and hidden.xul was? Menu was transferred to this hidden window to workaround this issue?

ysard commented 6 years ago

I replaced openPopup with openPopupAtScreen, the positioning seems better on KDE.

Yes, clonedMenu seems to be a ugly workaround, but without documentation we can't explain the value of this code.

The commit where it has been introduced is here: https://github.com/nmaier/mintrayr/commit/153ccbb7ca93788e9bf820c46ed0f40a582fd18d

Developer comment: Removed the windowState hack in favor of a less invasive (but still very nasty) hiddenWindow hack.

=> It is not surprising if it doesn't work anymore...

kolinger commented 6 years ago

Wrong position was fixed by last commit you made. So this is not problem anymore. Good work 👍

Windows 7 and Windows 10 is behaving the same.

Thunderbird main window is opened = menu is placed in wrong place but works. Thunderbird main window is minimized into tray = menu will not appear.

Menu needs main window to be present in order to be displayed (on Windows). If main window is not present (eg. is minimized to tray) then menu can't be displayed.

Propably the weird code (clonedMenu, iframe/hidden.xul) was solution to this problem. Now is question how to do it without "showPopup()". We need to display "clonedMenu" instead of "menu". But clonedMenu does not have openPopup/openPopupAtScreen 😞

ysard commented 6 years ago

Ok so it's maybe a problem with the clone method...

kolinger commented 6 years ago

Clone works but this line document.documentElement.appendChild(clonedMenu); will remove "openPopup" capability. If I remove this line then "openPopup" will not fail. Menu will not appear because it is not attached to anything ofcourse.

It looks like something is wrong with "document" (Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.document).

kolinger commented 6 years ago

Correction - "document" is iframe (hidden.xul).

iframe is created with this:

  var localS = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\
    <window xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"></window>';
  frame.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + escape(localS);
  //frame.setAttribute("src", "chrome://mintrayr/content/hidden.xul");

Maybe iframe is not created correctly?

ysard commented 6 years ago

Yes the naming is disorientating...

kolinger commented 6 years ago

Looks like this was removed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1145470 (hiddenDOMWindow did have some exception for loading iframes but it was removed, this is why it fails with security warning now)

And variable to allow xul iframes was removed? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1460685

So now iframes can't load chrome/xul anymore?

ysard commented 6 years ago

Maybe but the workaround with localS seems to work well...

When I use adoptNode instead of importNode, the menu loses the methods we are interested in ...

Once our elements are detached from their parents it seems impossible to be able to do something

kolinger commented 6 years ago

You are right. iframe is created just fine and even has correct content (<window...). But it is text/html instead of text/xul. We calling XUL methods on HTML elements? This is maybe the problem?

We taking XUL elements and converting them to HTML? This is why they do not have any XUL methods?

ysard commented 6 years ago

I don't think so, if i create a contentType text/xul: frame.src = "data:text/xul;charset=utf-8," + escape(localS); When clicking on the icon it offers me to download the content of the iframe ><

I think that the problem is above:

Do not raise an exception:

var clonedMenu = menu.cloneNode(true);
clonedMenu.openPopupAtScreen(x, y, true);

Raise an exception:

var clonedMenu = document.importNode(menu, true)
clonedMenu.openPopupAtScreen(x, y, true);

While the syntaxes are supposed to be similar... (cf example: https://pawelgrzybek.com/cloning-dom-nodes-and-handling-attached-events/ )

And just after the first case, this code raises an exception:

clonedMenu.openPopupAtScreen(x, y, true);

JavaScript is a wonderful language...

kolinger commented 6 years ago

We need appendChild. ImportNode just copies element. So after "import" node is copied but it is not attached not anything. Don't know why the name is "import". It does not import anything to anywhere ._.

Maybe it is imported into document but not used anywhere? It's just floating somewhere.

The Document object's importNode() method creates a copy of a Node or DocumentFragment from another document, to be inserted into the current document later.

The imported node is not yet included in the document tree. To include it, you need to call an insertion method such as appendChild() or insertBefore() with a node that is currently in the document tree.

But appendChild()/insertBefore() destroys any usefulness of the element. Because? HTML? Maybe?

kolinger commented 6 years ago

"hidding menu when window is minimized" is intended behaviour: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435848

9 years back a ticket was opened to solve this issue but no progress was done: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=502457

I'm out of ideas. Maybe revert to original hack? Before 153ccbb7ca93788e9bf820c46ed0f40a582fd18d?

ysard commented 6 years ago

Ok... thank you for the search.

Maybe the revert could do the trick yes; but currently I do not have access to a Windows machine to test that :/

kolinger commented 6 years ago

Very little was changed on JS side. All magic is happening in Windows dll it seems. I did not port few lines. They seems like refactoring than actual change. Windows dll did not have any changes since 153ccbb7ca93788e9bf820c46ed0f40a582fd18d so I did not revert any other changes than this hack.

Tested on Windows 10 and 7 and it seems to work just fine. Menu will appear even when minimized.

Can you test it on Linux? Or if you can please test it on another Windows machine. Since nothing was really changed it should work just fine for Linux. Source: https://github.com/kolinger/mintrayr/tree/menu_hack_revert, or XPI: mintrayr-1.4.4.zip

Should I send a PR?

ysard commented 6 years ago

Wow fantastic ! :1st_place_medal: It's ok on KDE, i will test on another Windows 7 tomorrow.

Yes you can do a PR ;)

kolinger commented 6 years ago

For the past few days I did not find any problems. Works as expected. So this issue is fixed and can be closed.

Thank you for cooperation!

ysard commented 6 years ago

Same thing for me, well played :)

skeith commented 5 years ago

This fix is not on 1.4.6 release, right?

ysard commented 5 years ago

This correction is present since version 1.4.5 and 651ada7

skeith commented 5 years ago

@ysard because I have 1.4.6dev installed but still having the same issue https://mion.yukirin.xyz/images/2018/10/20/2018-10-20_08-10-33.gif

ysard commented 5 years ago

@skeith : It's a shame, I thought this problem was solved :( Thank you for the bug report; however I would prefer to focus on a new tool much more maintainable and less time-consuming than this one...

skeith commented 5 years ago

Is that tool still has minimize to tray?

ysard commented 5 years ago

Let's say that Thunderbird 63 (release date not planned) includes APIs to develop this kind of addon :)

skeith commented 5 years ago

If I may add The extension works fine on Windows 7, the bug I reported above is for Win 10 (I'll pull the version soon)

nepa commented 5 years ago

I'm on Windows 7 and for me the current version is not working properly. The context menu does not open, unless the Thunderbird window is maximized. When it's minimized to tray already, the popup will not show up. Furthermore, I'm on a setup with two screens, having the Windows taskbar and the tray area on the left screen. The popup show up in the bottom right corner of the right screen, however, where there is no taskbar or tray icon, which is... a bit awkward.

freejoins commented 5 years ago

Windows 8.1 x64 SingleLanguage Thunderbird 60.2.1 (20180930223627) MinimizeToTray Reanimated 1.4.4

Context menu in tray not work.

ysard commented 5 years ago

@skeith : I will test as soon as possible on Windows 10, but it must be said that only a rewrite of the addon with a recent library will be necessary to fix all these problems.

@freejoins & @nepa : Yes it is fixed since 1.4.5. The xpi is available here: https://github.com/ysard/mintrayr/releases Because of some slowness in the verification process on AMO, I have not released a new version there yet.

nepa commented 5 years ago

@ysard: Thank you! Will you eventually release the update officially on mozilla.org? If the verification process is that slow, isn't that a reason to publish the update even earlier instead of omitting that step altogether? ;-)