yschua / clashofclans

CoC clan war tracking website
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Homepage #6

Closed yschua closed 8 years ago

yschua commented 8 years ago

Currently there is a index.php and Home.php, should they be combined to form the homepage?

yschua commented 8 years ago

Once the homepage is done, I can show the website to the leadership of the clan

michaeljinlai commented 8 years ago

What else do we need on the homepage? Members: 34 Type: Invite Only War Frequency: Always Required Trophies: 800


yschua commented 8 years ago

Links to member, statistics, war log. Needs to have a clear and easy navigation interface.

Remove the background and keep it simple.

yschua commented 8 years ago

Or actually keep the background image as a small header image thing.

michaeljinlai commented 8 years ago

Is putting << To get started, click one of the buttons on the left at the bottom of the homepage fine? Or is the sidebar not user friendly enough

yschua commented 8 years ago

That sounds good, but I think, similar to Twitch, the sidebar needs to default to expanded form.

Not sure if you have implemented cookies, if so, then the website can remember if the user has collapse/expanded the sidebar.

P.S. Sorry for slow response, need to fix my email notifications, they only come up 20 mins later after receive...

yschua commented 8 years ago
  1. The clan badge is missing the clan level.


  1. Is it possible to take the data from warclans.com because it contains additional information that we can include - wars lost and wars tied.


michaeljinlai commented 8 years ago

Got the level on the shield, but the black circle might be too hard for me

I think it'll be easier to use the warWins from the sql database and just minus the latest war id to find number of losses

yschua commented 8 years ago

No info on wars tied though

michaeljinlai commented 8 years ago

Oh true, let me try

yschua commented 8 years ago
  1. The wars loss and tie data is in one of the packets, I could supply that information if needed.
  2. Include these for the sake of it.

    Members: 34 Type: Invite Only War Frequency: Always Required Trophies: 800

michaeljinlai commented 8 years ago
