ysh329 / OpenCL-101

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Performance difference between two write methods in kernel #18

Closed ysh329 closed 6 years ago

ysh329 commented 6 years ago

There're two write methods in kernel function, is there any difference between them?


*(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + row * N + col) = cc1.s0;         *(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + row * N + (col+1)) = cc1.s1;
*(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + (row+1) * N + col) = cc2.s0;     *(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + (row+1) * N + (col+1)) = cc2.s1;


c[row * N + col] = cc1.s0;        c[row * N + (col+1)] = cc1.s1;
c[(row+1) * N + col] = cc2.s0;    c[(row+1) * N + (col+1)] = cc2.s1;

Complete Code

This is from matrix multiplication implementation, it's complete kernel code is below:

__kernel void mat_mult_vec2x2_continue(const int M, const int N, const int K, __global const CL_INPUT_TYPE *a, __global const CL_INPUT_TYPE *b, __global CL_INPUT_TYPE *c) {
    const int col = get_global_id(0) << 1;
    const int row = get_global_id(1) << 1;

    CL_ELEM_TYPE aa1, aa2,
                 bb1, bb2,
                 cc1 = 0,
                 cc2 = 0;

    for (int p = 0; p < K; p+=2) {
        aa1 = *(
                   (__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(a + row * K + p)
        aa2 = *(
                   (__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(a + (row+1) * K + p)

        bb1 = *(
                   (__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(b + p * N + col)
        bb2 = *(
                   (__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(b + (p+1) * N + col)

        //cc1 = (CL_ELEM_TYPE)
        //          (aa1.s0*bb1.s0 + aa1.s1*bb2.s0,    aa1.s0*bb1.s1 + aa1.s1*bb2.s1);
        //cc2 = (CL_ELEM_TYPE)
        //          (aa2.s0*bb1.s0 + aa2.s1*bb2.s0,    aa2.s0*bb1.s1 + aa2.s1*bb2.s1);
        cc1.s0 += aa1.s0 * bb1.s0 + aa1.s1 * bb2.s0;
        cc1.s1 += aa1.s0 * bb1.s1 + aa1.s1 * bb2.s1;
        cc2.s0 += aa2.s0 * bb1.s0 + aa2.s1 * bb2.s0;
        cc2.s1 += aa2.s0 * bb1.s1 + aa2.s1 * bb2.s1;

    //*(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + row * N + col) = cc1.s0;         *(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + row * N + (col+1)) = cc1.s1;
    //*(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + (row+1) * N + col) = cc2.s0;     *(__global CL_INPUT_TYPE *)(c + (row+1) * N + (col+1)) = cc2.s1;

    c[row * N + col] = cc1.s0;        c[row * N + (col+1)] = cc1.s1;
    c[(row+1) * N + col] = cc2.s0;    c[(row+1) * N + (col+1)] = cc2.s1;

ysh329 commented 6 years ago

In fact, there's no difference between them. I tested different sizes, including 128x128x128, 512x512x512, 1024x1024x1024. The execution time of kernel is same.


First Method

============== GPU RESULT ==============
>>> [INFO] Device name: Mali-T86x MP4 r2p0 0x0860
>>> [INFO] program_file: ./vec2.cl, kernel_func: mat_mult_vec2x2_continue
>>> [INFO] global_work_size[3]: { 256, 256, 1 }
>>> [WARN] global work size (65536) is smaller than task size (262144)
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 10 times ./vec2.cl.mat_mult_vec2x2_continue starting ...
0        0.049194
>>> [INFO] skip first 1 time(s)
1        0.049066
2        0.048693
3        0.049986
4        0.048974
5        0.049136
6        0.049800
7        0.049019
8        0.048965
9        0.049934
10       0.048857
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 512x512x512 0.049243 s 5.451241 GFLOPS

>>> [TEST] correct rate: 1.0000
>>> [TEST] ~ Bingo ~ matrix a == matrix b

Second Method

============== GPU RESULT ==============
>>> [INFO] Device name: Mali-T86x MP4 r2p0 0x0860
>>> [INFO] program_file: ./vec2.cl, kernel_func: mat_mult_vec2x2_continue
>>> [INFO] global_work_size[3]: { 256, 256, 1 }
>>> [WARN] global work size (65536) is smaller than task size (262144)
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 10 times ./vec2.cl.mat_mult_vec2x2_continue starting ...
0        0.049859
>>> [INFO] skip first 1 time(s)
1        0.052595
2        0.050000
3        0.049764
4        0.049456
5        0.048726
6        0.049554
7        0.048849
8        0.048720
9        0.048496
10       0.049462
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 512x512x512 0.049562 s 5.416133 GFLOPS

>>> [TEST] correct rate: 1.0000
>>> [TEST] ~ Bingo ~ matrix a == matrix b


First Method

============== GPU RESULT ==============
>>> [INFO] Device name: Mali-T86x MP4 r2p0 0x0860
>>> [INFO] program_file: ./vec2.cl, kernel_func: mat_mult_vec2x2_continue
>>> [INFO] global_work_size[3]: { 512, 512, 1 }
>>> [WARN] global work size (262144) is smaller than task size (1048576)
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 10 times ./vec2.cl.mat_mult_vec2x2_continue starting ...
0        0.459874
>>> [INFO] skip first 1 time(s)
1        0.455607
2        0.456987
3        0.457147
4        0.468058
5        0.457499
6        0.456280
7        0.459129
8        0.456129
9        0.456616
10       0.457166
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 1024x1024x1024 0.458062 s 4.688196 GFLOPS

>>> [TEST] correct rate: 1.0000
>>> [TEST] ~ Bingo ~ matrix a == matrix b

Second Method

============== GPU RESULT ==============
>>> [INFO] Device name: Mali-T86x MP4 r2p0 0x0860
>>> [INFO] program_file: ./vec2.cl, kernel_func: mat_mult_vec2x2_continue
>>> [INFO] global_work_size[3]: { 512, 512, 1 }
>>> [WARN] global work size (262144) is smaller than task size (1048576)
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 10 times ./vec2.cl.mat_mult_vec2x2_continue starting ...
0        0.457250
>>> [INFO] skip first 1 time(s)
1        0.453836
2        0.455416
3        0.454867
4        0.454100
5        0.454240
6        0.454772
7        0.456201
8        0.455817
9        0.461128
10       0.456089
>>> [INFO] CL_GPU 1024x1024x1024 0.455647 s 4.713047 GFLOPS

>>> [TEST] correct rate: 1.0000
>>> [TEST] ~ Bingo ~ matrix a == matrix b
ysh329 commented 6 years ago

It's more convenient to use first method, decreasing write times for vector-variables:

non-vector variables

c[row * N + col] = cc1.s0;      c[row * N + (col+1)] = cc1.s1;      c[row * N + (col+2)] = cc1.s2;      c[row * N + (col+3)] = cc1.s3; 
c[(row+1) * N + col] = cc2.s0;  c[(row+1) * N + (col+1)] = cc2.s1;  c[(row+1) * N + (col+2)] = cc2.s2;  c[(row+1) * N + (col+3)] = cc2.s3; 
c[(row+2) * N + col] = cc3.s0;  c[(row+2) * N + (col+1)] = cc3.s1;  c[(row+2) * N + (col+2)] = cc3.s2;  c[(row+2) * N + (col+3)] = cc3.s3; 
c[(row+3) * N + col] = cc4.s0;  c[(row+3) * N + (col+1)] = cc4.s1;  c[(row+3) * N + (col+2)] = cc4.s2;  c[(row+3) * N + (col+3)] = cc4.s3;  

vector variables

*(__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(c + row * N + col) = cc1;
*(__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(c + (row+1) * N + col) = cc2;
*(__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(c + (row+2) * N + col) = cc3;
*(__global CL_ELEM_TYPE *)(c + (row+3) * N + col) = cc4;