yshrsmz / BuildKonfig

BuildConfig for Kotlin Multiplatform Project
Apache License 2.0
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target ios does not contains correct values. (ComposeApp module hierarchy) #143

Closed Moozart closed 4 months ago

Moozart commented 5 months ago

create("ios") { buildConfigField(FieldSpec.Type.STRING, "target", "ios") }

But iosX64Main, isoArmX64Main and iosSimulatorArmX64 has "public actual val target: String = "common""

RyuNen344 commented 4 months ago

@Moozart could you give me more info?

e.g) kotlin version, kmp plugin version, gradle version

Moozart commented 4 months ago

@RyuNen344 Ofcourse,

kotlin = "1.9.23" distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-8.2-bin.zip multiplatform = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform", version.ref = "kotlin" }

RyuNen344 commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I'll see later 😉

egorikftp commented 4 months ago


I have made investigation, and looks like issue fixes if we specify ios target like this:

targetConfigs {
        create("android") {
        create("iosArm64") {
        create("iosSimulatorArm64") {
        create("iosX64") {
Moozart commented 4 months ago

@egorikftp Thanks for the research. I haven't tried it but if it works I will use it with this scoped func. Writing all ios modules one by one made me a bit lazy :)

fun NamedDomainObjectContainer<TargetConfigDsl>.crateForIOS() { listOf("iosArm64", "iosSimulatorArm64", "iosX64").forEach { create(it) { buildConfigField(FieldSpec.Type.STRING, "target", "ios") } } }

egorikftp commented 4 months ago


i can suggest more optimized dsl

fun NamedDomainObjectContainer<TargetConfigDsl>.ios(block: TargetConfigDsl.() -> Unit) {
    listOf("iosArm64", "iosSimulatorArm64", "iosX64").forEach {
        create(it, block)

fun NamedDomainObjectContainer<TargetConfigDsl>.android(block: TargetConfigDsl.() -> Unit) {
    create("android", block)

fun TargetConfigDsl.buildConfigField(name: String, value: String) {
    buildConfigField(type = STRING, name = name, value = value, const = true)


buildkonfig {
    defaultConfigs {
        buildConfigField(name = "versionName", value = "0.0.0")

    targetConfigs {
        android {
            buildConfigField(name = "versionName", value = "2.0.0")
        ios {
            buildConfigField(name = "versionName", value = "1.0.0")