yshui / picom

A lightweight compositor for X11 with animation support
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Square-like shapes in the corners when fading is enabled #816

Open dybdeskarphet opened 2 years ago

dybdeskarphet commented 2 years ago


Arch Linux 5.17.1

GPU, drivers, and screen setup

name of display: :0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
Extended renderer info (GLX_MESA_query_renderer):
    Vendor: AMD (0x1002)
    Device: AMD RENOIR (LLVM 13.0.1, DRM 3.44, 5.17.1-arch1-1) (0x164c)
    Version: 22.0.1
    Accelerated: yes
    Video memory: 2048MB
    Unified memory: no
    Preferred profile: core (0x1)
    Max core profile version: 4.6
    Max compat profile version: 4.6
    Max GLES1 profile version: 1.1
    Max GLES[23] profile version: 3.2
Memory info (GL_ATI_meminfo):
    VBO free memory - total: 1699 MB, largest block: 1699 MB
    VBO free aux. memory - total: 3019 MB, largest block: 3019 MB
    Texture free memory - total: 1699 MB, largest block: 1699 MB
    Texture free aux. memory - total: 3019 MB, largest block: 3019 MB
    Renderbuffer free memory - total: 1699 MB, largest block: 1699 MB
    Renderbuffer free aux. memory - total: 3019 MB, largest block: 3019 MB
Memory info (GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info):
    Dedicated video memory: 2048 MB
    Total available memory: 5120 MB
    Currently available dedicated video memory: 1699 MB
OpenGL vendor string: AMD
OpenGL renderer string: AMD RENOIR (LLVM 13.0.1, DRM 3.44, 5.17.1-arch1-1)
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 22.0.1
OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.60
OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile

OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 22.0.1
OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60
OpenGL context flags: (none)
OpenGL profile mask: compatibility profile

OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 22.0.1
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20



picom version


Diagnostics ``` ### Extensions: * Shape: Yes * XRandR: Yes * Present: Present ### Misc: * Use Overlay: No (Another compositor is already running) * Config file used: /home/skarphet/.config/picom/picom.conf ### Drivers (inaccurate): AMDGPU, Radeon ### Backend: glx * Driver vendors: * GLX: Mesa Project and SGI * GL: AMD * GL renderer: AMD RENOIR (LLVM 13.0.1, DRM 3.44, 5.17.1-arch1-1) * Accelerated: 1 ```


Configuration file ``` # _. _ ._.._ _ ._. __ # (_.(_)[ [ )(/,[ _) # corner-radius = 17 # Exclude conditions for rounded corners. rounded-corners-exclude = [ "name *= 'gromit-mpx'", "_NET_WM_STATE@[*]:a = '_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN'", "window_type = 'dock'", "window_type = 'notification'", "window_type = 'desktop'", "class_g = 'dmenu'" ]; # . . # __|_ _. _| _ . , __ # _) [ )(_](_](_) \/\/ _) # shadow = true; shadow-radius = 10; shadow-offset-x = -7; shadow-offset-y = -7; # shadow-red = 0 # shadow-green = 0 # shadow-blue = 0 shadow-exclude = [ "name *= 'gromit-mpx'" ]; # shadow-exclude-reg = "x100+0+0" # ._ . # |, _. _|*._ _ # | (_](_]|[ )(_] # ._| # fading = true fade-in-step = 0.03; fade-out-step = 0.03; fade-delta = 10 # fade-exclude = [] no-fading-openclose = false no-fading-destroyed-argb = false # , # _ ._ _. _.*-+- . # (_)[_)(_](_.| | \_| # | ._| # active-opacity = 1.0 inactive-opacity = 1.0; inactive-opacity-override = true; frame-opacity = 1.0; menu-opacity = 1.0 inactive-dim = 0.0 # focus-exclude = [] opacity-rule = [ "70:class_g *= 'conky'" ]; # . # _ _ ._ _ ._. _.| # (_](/,[ )(/,[ (_]| # ._| # daemon = false; backend = "glx"; refresh-rate = 60 vsync = true dbus = false mark-wmwin-focused = true; mark-ovredir-focused = false; detect-rounded-corners = true; detect-client-opacity = true; use-ewmh-active-win = false; no-ewmh-fullscreen = true; unredir-if-possible = false; unredir-if-possible-delay = 10; # unredir-if-possible-exclude = [] detect-transient = true detect-client-leader = true # invert-color-include = [ # "name *= 'Chromium'" # ]; glx-no-stencil = true; glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true; use-damage = false; # xrender-sync-fence = false # max-brightness = false # . # | _ _ # |(_)(_] # ._| # log-level = "warn"; show-all-xerrors = true # , # . ,*._ -+- .._ _ __ # \/\/ |[ ) | \_|[_)(/,_) # ._|| # wintypes: { tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = false; opacity = 0.75; focus = true; full-shadow = false; }; dock = { shadow = false; } dnd = { shadow = false; } notification = { full-shadow = true; } }; ```

Steps of reproduction

  1. Enable rounded corners
  2. Open a window
  3. Close a window


  1. Change workspace
  2. Change workspace again

Expected behavior

No shapes or shadows

Current Behavior

Like in the video, square-like shapes in the corners when the windows are fading

Other details



dybdeskarphet commented 2 years ago

It gets fixed with --experimental-backends but now the shadows are looking like this: 2022-06-08_20 05 35