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deepin switch Capslock and ESC and restore #24

Open ysl2 opened 8 months ago

ysl2 commented 8 months ago

Ref: https://wiki.deepin.org/zh/%E5%BE%85%E5%88%86%E7%B1%BB/02_deepin%E6%B7%B1%E5%85%A5/%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%E9%94%AE%E7%9B%98%E6%98%A0%E5%B0%84

# Switch
gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey capslock '[]'
gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keyboard layout-options '["caps:swapescape"]'

# Restore only capslock
gsettings reset com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey capslock
gsettings reset com.deepin.dde.keyboard layout-options

# Restore all keys
gsettings reset-recursively com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey
gsettings reset-recursively com.deepin.dde.keyboard