ysl2 / .dotfiles

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Add new window manager or desktop environment #4

Open ysl2 opened 11 months ago

ysl2 commented 11 months ago

1. Don't bypass display manager

I have added desktop file into my fork dwm ysl2/dwm, so no need to manually add it. It will be auto added when compiling my dwm.

e.g, dwm

sudo vim /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop

# Ref: https://github.com/elken/dwm/blob/master/dwm.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Dynamic window manager
ysl2 commented 8 months ago

2. Bypass display manager using startx

  1. Add exec startx in ~/.profile (I have already added in dotlib)
  2. Add the exec de/wm into ~/.xinitrc (I have aleady added in dotfiles deepin branch)
  3. Disable lightdm sudo systemctl disable lightdm


When bypassing lightdm: If using dde, behaves like above, and specifically the google-chrome cannot be opened, it reports gtk theme is none.