Measure MoveIt zero point
This package is used to get the distance from the ground to the zero point from the reference frame "base" from MoveIt. This value is needed for the collision checking and is allways the same if the robot position doesn't change. The table height must be smaller then 0.9 m and added to the variable table_size_z. The right arm move from the start position down and measure with the infrared sensor the distance to the table and calculate the zero point with the current position, the distance to the table and the table height. The result will be printed on the screen and is required for all tasks.
The project must be added in the src folder from the workspace and can be launched after it is build from a sourced terminal.
Open a new terminal:
$ source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
$ source ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ cd ros_ws/
$ ./
$ catkin_make
$ roslaunch baxter_measure_zero_point baxter_pick_and_place.launch
Measure MoveIt zero point This package is used to get the distance from the ground to the zero point from the reference frame "base" from MoveIt. This value is needed for the collision checking and is allways the same if the robot position doesn't change. The table height must be smaller then 0.9 m and added to the variable table_size_z. The right arm move from the start position down and measure with the infrared sensor the distance to the table and calculate the zero point with the current position, the distance to the table and the table height. The result will be printed on the screen and is required for all tasks.
Download this project
The project must be added in the src folder from the workspace and can be launched after it is build from a sourced terminal. Open a new terminal: $ source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash $ source ros_ws/devel/setup.bash $ cd ros_ws/ $ ./ $ catkin_make $ roslaunch baxter_measure_zero_point baxter_pick_and_place.launch