ysl208 / iRoPro

iRoPro on Baxter
MIT License
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Setting up iRoPro on UR5 #44

Open ysl208 opened 4 years ago

ysl208 commented 4 years ago

iRoPro was implemented on the Baxter research robot. It is based on Rapid PbD, which worked on PR2, Fetch and Baxter robot.

The following needs to be changed to set it up on UR (most similar to the fetch robot):

Create new equivalent files for UR:

launch/fetch_app.launch launch/fetch.launch launch/fetch_moveit.launch src/fetch_action_node.cpp include/rapid_pbd/fetch_actions.h src/fetch_actions.cpp

Modifications to consider UR as an option:

Change FetchRobot or BaxterRobot instances to UniversalRobot The short versions fetch, baxter are changed to ur src/program_execution_node.cpp src/editor.cpp src/editor_node.cpp src/surface_segmentation_node.cpp

include/rapid_pbd/action_names.h src/robot_config.cpp include/rapid_pbd/robot_config.h


Front end: frontend/src/pbd-*.html

ysl208 commented 4 years ago

For UR description:

cp -r ~/catkin_ws/src/universal_robot/ur_description/urdf ~/local/collada