yt-dlp / yt-dlp

A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
The Unlicense
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ParamountPlus Downloads always freeze at least once during playback. #898

Closed Sipherdrakon closed 2 years ago

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago



So I was curious if anyone else has issues with their ParamountPlus downloads. I noticed it when I had subtitles turned on and I skip towards the end of the video and the subs are way off. So I ran back through the video and found where the subs were correct and found that the audio will replay itself and the then the video freezes until it catches back up to the audio and then plays again. It usually happens at least once per video, sometimes not at all, other times it's multiple times per video, making it at best annoying and at worst unwatchable.

Not sure what the deal is. Just wasn't sure if I was alone in this. Or maybe there is a setting I am not using that makes everyone elses downloads work flawlessly on playback.

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

So I just downloaded a video manually that shows on as being 19minutes and 45 seconds in length and manual download shows the same duration, while the file downloaded using yt-dlp is 20minutes and 21 seconds. Which means that the video freezing and audio loop is adding over 30seconds of glitches to downloaded videos.

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago



Found a few links that show the problem, but no real concrete fixes.

Ashish0804 commented 3 years ago

which version of ffmpeg are u using? if not using v3.0.1, try with it

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

Using 4.4, I mean I guess I could downgrade to that one, but would it make a difference?

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

Is there any way to get yt-dlp to match the duration of the downloaded file and the duration the video should be? And then re-download if there is a discrepancy?

pukkandan commented 3 years ago

Give an example URL. does the native downloader work with it? If so, does it still produce the issue?

BrendanoElTaco commented 3 years ago

I’m having the same issue. I've tried different video and sub formats but nothing fixes it

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago


Sadly this is a bash script and only usable on windows with cygwin but seems to do what I was planning to attempt anyways for a workaround.

Downloading almost any file from would roll the dice on if it will create a corrupt video. But testing 68 whiskey between native and ffmpeg downloader right now. Will see how many are good vs corrupt as soon as they are done.


Ashish0804 commented 3 years ago

You haven't provided a url, u aren't willing to provide logs, you aren't willing to debug by using native downloader, you aren't willing to try with ffmpeg v3.0.1 and then you use a mkvmerge based script to download. Idk why this issue exists 🤷‍♂️

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

You haven't provided a url, u aren't willing to provide logs, you aren't willing to debug by using native downloader, you aren't willing to try with ffmpeg v3.0.1 and then you use a mkvmerge based script to download. Idk why this issue exists 🤷‍♂️

I have provided a url, but any url from will have a risk of a corrupt video being downloaded.

I will provide logs (which don't show anything within ffmpeg anyways) when I've finished downloading my test sets. I've been using the native downloader from the on set, which is why I'm testing between ffmpeg and native.

I don't see the point in using an older version of ffmpeg as from what I've gathered it doesn't make a difference when not muxing vp9 and aac

As for the mkvmerge script, I'm simply providing information scoured from the internet to try and workaround the issue until a valid fix can be made.

Lastly, this issue exists because it IS an issue. It's no good being able to download from a site if the downloads are randomly corrupt.

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

So I went with a different set of files from Clarissa Explains It All as they are SD and therefore smaller and faster to download.

Of the 6 videos downloaded 3 of them froze for longer than 10 seconds at multiple times during the download and the other three were just minor hangups as you'd normally expect during download. Those being 01x19 01x06 01x12.

[debug] Command-line config: ['-o', '%(series)s\\%(season_number)02dx%(episode_number)02d - %(title)s [WEBDL-%(height)s] [native].%(ext)s', '-ic', '--write-info-json', '--downloader', 'dash,m3u8:native', '--cookies-from-browser', 'chrome', '--all-subs', '--embed-subs', '-a', 'ytdlready.txt', '--verbose']
[debug] Batch file urls: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
[Cookies] Extracting cookies from chrome
[debug] extracting from: "C:\Users\Sipherdrakon\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies"
[Cookies] Extracted 3258 cookies from chrome
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, out utf-8, pref cp1252
[debug] yt-dlp version 2021.09.02 (exe)
[debug] Python version 3.8.10 (CPython 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.18363-SP0
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg, ffprobe
[debug] Optional libraries: mutagen, pycryptodome, sqlite, websockets
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3114
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 72.31KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAFyZsDd%2fBNWHXf16pasQIMfIIrYJsjhkM1YRbkclsNZPb+GiUGRvgkNrDjuI3U39SuaWl8w%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1630999391~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424707901%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_108_346901_*~data=hdntl~hmac=b444195623a1c486d66be3758dcb8f8fee34951cdb9ed14645e96aafa79e7e9f"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 150
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4
[download] 100% of 579.70MiB in **00:42**
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3115
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 64.42KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAFyZsDRPCNWFdj26BEp5xoCy7J4qseVb9VM9xmqiuXnF%2fzhJL7rXW50DQqkFoMj99p%2f1+XQ%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1630999443~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805415491690%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_107_346890_*~data=hdntl~hmac=40d7dd80f898f71ee3a33252320103ecb6873672233a8004c4db6bf7ba38140f"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 155
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4
[download] 100% of 596.69MiB in **01:24**
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3106
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 73.78KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r23CNWERuk2Pt5MjjthihaApcyhDZjtsD+IUuHfsKUBWsIlphseGkjoyISiDgbRf3w%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1630999533~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195670%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_113_346894_*~data=hdntl~hmac=51269bf50bc9475d54f7a1b91e35686db1c6c6b1ca5331d45d3a69c56f2f320a"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 155
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4
[download] 100% of 594.31MiB in **02:25**
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3107
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 67.00KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nAXDNWHPx6kNsQvNTaralviveIOC+lPzB0bFludq2pkR4lWDJn+%2fZTTo8UYhck+OVw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1630999685~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424707951%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_102_346893_*~data=hdntl~hmac=58db45562d1de16aed6f4eac38860f814999688a8f86bf22dd5a7af9bb8d36f7"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 149
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4
[download] 100% of 573.44MiB in **00:35**
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3114
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 63.55KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nDHDNWHDb2g36ajxQ+eTZBUuak1M4ct4Y2QsiHqIXdnBQzqWKfRZ0Jz8X7yc4FyLMA%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1630999729~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805441603978%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_120_346891_*~data=hdntl~hmac=aa43d6fc7cae6a060f8009ffe5ea29be638bb12ffd5626936767bf40d6eb7069"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 143
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4
[download] 100% of 551.81MiB in **05:05**
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3113
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 76.62KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nGnENWGoiDIk%2f0x5xh8bjtXpTNWFt1wfG6nGFv1IHvGgYAIMeKFHwL4SY2yxSDmZvg%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631000041~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805445187878%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_116_346896_*~data=hdntl~hmac=8b14c070b3d621571beecccb07a48b09acb366e0565e506da6ed0c9030d44f3b"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4
[download] 100% of 562.73MiB in **00:36**
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)

Verbose doesn't show these frozen chunks of time but you can tell that they took longer than the other three files by anywhere from 1-5 minutes. Also looking at the jsons I had them write you can also tell that the resulting files were longer than the source says they should be for the three that froze during download.

01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [native] - 1491.990 seconds SOURCE: 1492 seconds
01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [native] - 1550.813 seconds SOURCE: 1548 seconds
01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [native] - 1504.544 seconds SOURCE: 1504 seconds
01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [native] - 1556.538 seconds SOURCE: 1546 seconds
01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [native] - 1460.959 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds
01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [native] - 1457.241 seconds SOURCE: 1431 seconds

It's super late so I will try with using ffmpeg as the downloader in the morning. But at least I know that with the native downloader it is really hit or miss if you'll get a good file using it.

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

So I ran through all of season 1 with ffmpeg as running through only the 6 files I used for the native test had all of them come back good. But when I ran through the rest of the files ffmpeg also froze up while downloading on 3 of the 19 files I downloaded. Which is a better percentage of good to bad but these downloads that froze up for longer than 10 seconds also resulted in an increased duration and upon viewing the videos the same audio loopback and video freeze occured.

01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1195.264 seconds SOURCE: 1195 seconds
01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1491.990 seconds SOURCE: 1492 seconds
01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1531.691 seconds SOURCE: 1529 seconds------
01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1570.201 seconds SOURCE: 1570 seconds
01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1548.505 seconds SOURCE: 1548 seconds
01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1504.544 seconds SOURCE: 1504 seconds
01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1558.690 seconds SOURCE: 1559 seconds
01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1536.326 seconds SOURCE: 1536 seconds
01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1538.270 seconds SOURCE: 1538 seconds
01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1529.277 seconds SOURCE: 1529 seconds
01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1546.253 seconds SOURCE: 1546 seconds
01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1464.337 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds-----
01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1460.893 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds
01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1460.959 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds
01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1469.015 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds------
01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1462.252 seconds SOURCE: 1462 seconds
01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1461.359 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds
01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1431.129 seconds SOURCE: 1431 seconds
01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [ffmpeg] - 1521.753 seconds SOURCE: 1522 seconds

So regardless of downloader the problem is still occuring. As of yet I have not figured out why this is occuring, hence the workarounds I am trying to find, but will try next with one of the other usable downloaders yt-dlp supports and see if those downloads will work consistently so I can see if it is happening across downloaders or if it is something else.

currently tested: ffmpeg, native,aria2c currently UNtested: avconv, axel, curl, httpie, wget

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

Just tested aria2c, not only did it not freeze up during downloads of the entire first season, it was also 50% faster in downloading and all files were uncorrupted.

[debug] Command-line config: ['-o', '%(series)s\\%(season_number)02dx%(episode_number)02d - %(title)s [WEBDL-%(height)s] [aria2c].%(ext)s', '-ic', '--write-info-json', '--downloader', 'dash,m3u8:aria2c', '--cookies-from-browser', 'chrome', '--all-subs', '--embed-subs', '-a', 'ytdlready.txt', '--verbose']
[debug] Batch file urls: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
[Cookies] Extracting cookies from chrome
[debug] extracting from: "C:\Users\Sipherdrakon\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies"
[Cookies] Extracted 3266 cookies from chrome
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, out utf-8, pref cp1252
[debug] yt-dlp version 2021.09.02 (exe)
[debug] Python version 3.8.10 (CPython 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.18363-SP0
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg, ffprobe
[debug] Optional libraries: mutagen, pycryptodome, sqlite, websockets
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] 4Bk6DxlokIqprvaEjDxL4sH_jSnIjHfq: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3114
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 72.31KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r2FTNmEguUje+7Gip6Gic9t2rl6sVYd3SN1B6q3vbhYj4RznIInS7EOjygVMugY6Cw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036641~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424707901%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_108_346901_*~data=hdntl~hmac=52a9bb6b8b19b6b5af2d8fae70f5ac08b78cb3f908ddcf9df93dedc72505ab92"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 150
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=uBtGZfPXdbTGHcceQEIspQ==; hdntl=exp=1631036641~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424707901%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_108_346901_*~data=hdntl~hmac=52a9bb6b8b19b6b5af2d8fae70f5ac08b78cb3f908ddcf9df93dedc72505ab92" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 607856560 bytes%)][#c1a365 3.8MiB/3.9MiB(99%)][#dd1643 1.5MiB/3.2MiB(46%)][#30aeb6 3.3MiB/4.0MiB(8
[download] 100% of 579.70MiB in 00:11
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] 5Dy0pyjoSfBiKXSETMs1Mwkaw4Scl5ug: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3115
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 64.42KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r3JTNmEe%2fOpRZqr+CC9BeSMp1g7piT3r9q68sJPGBIyPPy%2f%2flblZhYkjKd2Pxxp6nA%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036658~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805415491690%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_107_346890_*~data=hdntl~hmac=5eda5f3f59bf4989e42a4b6c58c39f0fdfa9236929f564ebe4baf693cd14e1a3"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 155
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=eWc+Iw09g82DqBA4owIIbA==; hdntl=exp=1631036658~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805415491690%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_107_346890_*~data=hdntl~hmac=5eda5f3f59bf4989e42a4b6c58c39f0fdfa9236929f564ebe4baf693cd14e1a3" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 625625056 bytes%)][#76895d 4.2MiB/4.3MiB(97%)][#8b3241 3.5MiB/4.3MiB(81%)][#5d3573 1.5MiB/3.5MiB(4
[download] 100% of 596.64MiB in 00:10
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] 84MUi8uqiLMExwvBKRdzyBvXRDIWTt5B: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3106
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 73.78KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nIFTNmEF9p3G0XavtaNPamuxgF40GoEfHNcEYAcLsedyB9IESnwsajtis94uxQKI1g%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036673~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195670%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_113_346894_*~data=hdntl~hmac=48df01950f02d60fcbc95587122d57333383a1a20723875e2efaf6a85b2d099e"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 155
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=5Ftk0lmWVHGaterkFBPA3A==; hdntl=exp=1631036673~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195670%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_113_346894_*~data=hdntl~hmac=48df01950f02d60fcbc95587122d57333383a1a20723875e2efaf6a85b2d099e" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 622998704 bytes%)][#e932d2 3.2MiB/4.0MiB(81%)][#40c13e 1.9MiB/3.8MiB(49%)][#a17af2 3.5MiB/3.9MiB(9
[download] 100% of 594.14MiB in 00:14
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] aemCh6LsCnkN5ZruQ7a1T0oWBju3ehER: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3107
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 67.00KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r5VTNmEQOvqDybD1R98hFyhm0k%2f6QpvstmURHL6r9Y8B6y+V2%2fMGoYOMEThAQGL6uw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036693~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424707951%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_102_346893_*~data=hdntl~hmac=543a4706404ac9762869f69646a883c616142a12d33c75cc453dbd5fcb74c48f"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 149
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=VU/+YjVVoCxMz2yCzbIb8g==; hdntl=exp=1631036693~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424707951%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_102_346893_*~data=hdntl~hmac=543a4706404ac9762869f69646a883c616142a12d33c75cc453dbd5fcb74c48f" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 601293648 bytes%)][#12e44e 4.4MiB/4.5MiB(97%)][#62e473 3.2MiB/3.7MiB(87%)][#e64394 2.8MiB/3.5MiB(8
[download] 100% of 573.44MiB in 00:14
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] BB4sHkq4G8D5PqR95BeXmXC5vHrLtlSD: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3114
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 63.55KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nKhTNmFCjgtkLTisH1qPh3V2f7I8u%2f+RkOAbXdxaScy+VS76Fc536LFDSAhC9XDeaQ%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036712~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805441603978%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_120_346891_*~data=hdntl~hmac=2c68640c2b934ce9be29c4019428e83f1470a549f1fd78833697bad13d2003ce"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 143
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=cS5hcrLv8n6odIC9kKxSWQ==; hdntl=exp=1631036712~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805441603978%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_120_346891_*~data=hdntl~hmac=2c68640c2b934ce9be29c4019428e83f1470a549f1fd78833697bad13d2003ce" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 578140256 bytes%)][#f1d806 2.7MiB/3.6MiB(77%)][#8e8813 1.7MiB/3.9MiB(44%)][#2253f4 2.7MiB/3.7MiB(7
[download] 100% of 551.36MiB in 00:09
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] CjJQQkQpEcQeC2dOdwoF3qMl7798ARfh: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3113
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 76.62KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r7dTNmECgEO3cf55y+2MMdA7+gXbCC9mpEnML5GLODGEZJ7qVJSS9q8Ivb1%2fIUlAmg%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036727~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805445187878%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_116_346896_*~data=hdntl~hmac=032253839542c14fe85a344e406b04a5f8f6431cdac3dfcfbd9b7f8d18ea7526"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=hW8hE5Acdtw4EyIGALeSTg==; hdntl=exp=1631036727~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805445187878%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_116_346896_*~data=hdntl~hmac=032253839542c14fe85a344e406b04a5f8f6431cdac3dfcfbd9b7f8d18ea7526" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 590061184 bytes%)][#8740de 3.2MiB/4.4MiB(72%)][#f98ad7 3.4MiB/3.6MiB(94%)][#ed5ddc 1.5MiB/3.5MiB(4
[download] 100% of 562.73MiB in 00:09
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] HpY95H7lrNjG68ewbump1x1qTaX0M_NM: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] HpY95H7lrNjG68ewbump1x1qTaX0M_NM: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] HpY95H7lrNjG68ewbump1x1qTaX0M_NM: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] HpY95H7lrNjG68ewbump1x1qTaX0M_NM: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] HpY95H7lrNjG68ewbump1x1qTaX0M_NM: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3116
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 68.81KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r8VTNmHFwPKf1HxbKf0Nrnn2dZs2AI6CgKzdt7mdbPumv3a2onYwR87bzRjNsLizQw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036741~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195713%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_106_346886_*~data=hdntl~hmac=95b47273b97b65982c2bead8d2e9674032a6d9bdf1f972743f8d8109fa10744c"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 157
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=4eiqKEAEgg9RSZ5qdtuN0Q==; hdntl=exp=1631036741~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195713%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_106_346886_*~data=hdntl~hmac=95b47273b97b65982c2bead8d2e9674032a6d9bdf1f972743f8d8109fa10744c" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 634828064 bytes%)][#aa2750 4.0MiB/4.0MiB(99%)][#b4415e 2.2MiB/3.5MiB(63%)][#7c95a8 2.4MiB/4.3MiB(5
[download] 100% of 605.42MiB in 00:12
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] hQeBzxsYXnrLmx9VbtwRnrTBm1bY6b7F: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] hQeBzxsYXnrLmx9VbtwRnrTBm1bY6b7F: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] hQeBzxsYXnrLmx9VbtwRnrTBm1bY6b7F: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] hQeBzxsYXnrLmx9VbtwRnrTBm1bY6b7F: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] hQeBzxsYXnrLmx9VbtwRnrTBm1bY6b7F: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3109
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 96.19KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r9lTNmEgwlwdkcdDtnNbArscYGD9SvNNu1p6NSJKRcuFtj7YUHQKf8cY+rcIZg+qOA%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036761~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805426243809%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_119_346900_*~data=hdntl~hmac=ba5fbaed16b5d21d18545ebb872a6601160a47c6650f351494d33c43f5a6a41a"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=1uRc+1vrTo6s/P4A14L7gg==; hdntl=exp=1631036761~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805426243809%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_119_346900_*~data=hdntl~hmac=ba5fbaed16b5d21d18545ebb872a6601160a47c6650f351494d33c43f5a6a41a" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 589465600 bytes%)][#5a68b1 1.2MiB/4.2MiB(28%)][#0333af 2.5MiB/3.7MiB(68%)][#2ced91 4.0MiB/4.4MiB(9
[download] 100% of 562.16MiB in 00:12
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] hwTFviFLmojMbOOkbijkRLFRZKq_cIiD: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] hwTFviFLmojMbOOkbijkRLFRZKq_cIiD: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] hwTFviFLmojMbOOkbijkRLFRZKq_cIiD: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] hwTFviFLmojMbOOkbijkRLFRZKq_cIiD: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] hwTFviFLmojMbOOkbijkRLFRZKq_cIiD: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3116
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 67.35KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r+tTNmGNHlWFsPftJBiOCkujNJ4aAbaSJlxvLrDbHcMbYpC3oFgsIcZOzJZIyp9Drg%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036779~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805423171729%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_117_346887_*~data=hdntl~hmac=f432cf5508b170106f097bddb31b8eee4082f2e1b2e177bd9a177f724967bdd9"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=vgTmAKhSfL1iNRLiXTdl3w==; hdntl=exp=1631036779~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805423171729%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_117_346887_*~data=hdntl~hmac=f432cf5508b170106f097bddb31b8eee4082f2e1b2e177bd9a177f724967bdd9" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 590566528 bytes%)][#55e381 3.9MiB/4.0MiB(97%)][#d6260b 4.5MiB/4.5MiB(99%)][#a87035 1.7MiB/3.8MiB(4
[download] 100% of 563.21MiB in 00:12
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] hxpFM72gMiWvkNn4AS97B_fG91WbcWFo: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] hxpFM72gMiWvkNn4AS97B_fG91WbcWFo: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] hxpFM72gMiWvkNn4AS97B_fG91WbcWFo: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] hxpFM72gMiWvkNn4AS97B_fG91WbcWFo: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] hxpFM72gMiWvkNn4AS97B_fG91WbcWFo: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3116
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 74.77KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r%2f1TNmG+o3wkNH+KAGTkXRc1i2ZU3PXveP%2fXEgh+PsXmBgtc2YPcTY4Agvb5IDH82w%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036797~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805447747557%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_114_346888_*~data=hdntl~hmac=12952458ed64fe2923f8156b1975f7fdc14cdc561888c3c7a0b60b49fc55ad91"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=m72enLeIglnC1Ae6/BIAHA==; hdntl=exp=1631036797~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805447747557%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_114_346888_*~data=hdntl~hmac=12952458ed64fe2923f8156b1975f7fdc14cdc561888c3c7a0b60b49fc55ad91" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 590488320 bytes%)][#2bfb5f 4.2MiB/4.2MiB(99%)][#3eb684 4.3MiB/4.3MiB(100%)][#e3ee72 2.1MiB/3.2MiB(
[download] 100% of 563.13MiB in 00:13
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] i_9gXc6xvBuWrmAvXykTbSkF9t9KqQIu: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] i_9gXc6xvBuWrmAvXykTbSkF9t9KqQIu: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] i_9gXc6xvBuWrmAvXykTbSkF9t9KqQIu: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] i_9gXc6xvBuWrmAvXykTbSkF9t9KqQIu: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] i_9gXc6xvBuWrmAvXykTbSkF9t9KqQIu: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3111
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 71.34KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4rxFUNmE%2frR+iy2SlIMi9l6aBMGG20Al+4R0++9+pBmCeoQpTrmJfArh1prbl8pjsUw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036817~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805444163960%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_111_346892_*~data=hdntl~hmac=0908509aac7fe1f371955aedf2e304974f5e68e82467366919f1823fff8ff93a"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 154
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=Am1qZobulddJZIgM5QnEYw==; hdntl=exp=1631036817~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805444163960%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_111_346892_*~data=hdntl~hmac=0908509aac7fe1f371955aedf2e304974f5e68e82467366919f1823fff8ff93a" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 620927488 bytes%)][#376418 4.0MiB/4.1MiB(98%)][#0afb94 1.9MiB/3.8MiB(51%)][#bc0d87 3.0MiB/3.4MiB(8
[download] 100% of 592.16MiB in 00:10
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] JKeCMhXXTkTuGIaf25LHR5qGKf_9drqz: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] JKeCMhXXTkTuGIaf25LHR5qGKf_9drqz: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] JKeCMhXXTkTuGIaf25LHR5qGKf_9drqz: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] JKeCMhXXTkTuGIaf25LHR5qGKf_9drqz: Downloading m3u8 information
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[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] JKeCMhXXTkTuGIaf25LHR5qGKf_9drqz: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3117
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 72.45KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nCFUNmE90r4nM7zALBsL%2fhjP67XoXsb9LaUkP9rY+CPmZostqVMtkJzUhOh5ddD0qg%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036833~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195711%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_112_346899_*~data=hdntl~hmac=66e120c59227341e2a2c888d5e68d406970893d1f565f50c8fc077e1fca10e43"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 153
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=AZ9yJk5cMRC+3uiyZpySsg==; hdntl=exp=1631036833~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805424195711%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_112_346899_*~data=hdntl~hmac=66e120c59227341e2a2c888d5e68d406970893d1f565f50c8fc077e1fca10e43" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 618416736 bytes%)][#aaeedc 2.2MiB/4.2MiB(51%)][#090cf1 3.7MiB/3.8MiB(96%)][#d03857 3.1MiB/4.2MiB(7
[download] 100% of 589.77MiB in 00:11
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] JWY2IjcmZ3ULR_um1EoYMrfr_ir1cGCa: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] JWY2IjcmZ3ULR_um1EoYMrfr_ir1cGCa: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] JWY2IjcmZ3ULR_um1EoYMrfr_ir1cGCa: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] JWY2IjcmZ3ULR_um1EoYMrfr_ir1cGCa: Downloading m3u8 information
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[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] JWY2IjcmZ3ULR_um1EoYMrfr_ir1cGCa: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3117
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 74.84KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nDJUNmHvQkhnZiJE%2fuThZx%2fYDJuh99Fu5Umw05m2Va%2fXUp3SPbIHztsKeSMQvlyYNQ%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036850~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805423683508%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_115_346898_*~data=hdntl~hmac=f934d56053c37035c1f4b821a1ae960d0caee428e8305a1be65f091cded5c3a9"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=cC7RM3EPDLg5percwfFoRg==; hdntl=exp=1631036850~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805423683508%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_115_346898_*~data=hdntl~hmac=f934d56053c37035c1f4b821a1ae960d0caee428e8305a1be65f091cded5c3a9" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 590840256 bytes%)][#588e0b 2.7MiB/3.8MiB(71%)][#740224 3.4MiB/4.2MiB(82%)][#684c82 3.0MiB/3.7MiB(8
[download] 100% of 563.47MiB in 00:11
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] nJ1Vx1SrrlFCV5gEfijz1_kWwz96jWIS: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] nJ1Vx1SrrlFCV5gEfijz1_kWwz96jWIS: Downloading JSON metadata
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[ParamountPlus] nJ1Vx1SrrlFCV5gEfijz1_kWwz96jWIS: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] nJ1Vx1SrrlFCV5gEfijz1_kWwz96jWIS: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3111
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 67.21KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nENUNmFKlV1n7NVS2WPbUYZUAy+n06efEbCKSw7dYA4MkpI+6niLAWDuptwwTAFCYw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036867~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f05%2f1816068675848%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_104_357713_*~data=hdntl~hmac=90f1496663784430eee4b75566536b04d95777a2cc81b80590bfd023a3ba6469"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 153
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=TkNgXfi4NKSE3wK/ogsssw==; hdntl=exp=1631036867~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f05%2f1816068675848%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_104_357713_*~data=hdntl~hmac=90f1496663784430eee4b75566536b04d95777a2cc81b80590bfd023a3ba6469" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 617267680 bytes%)][#05bd47 3.9MiB/4.1MiB(96%)][#70040e 4.6MiB/4.7MiB(97%)][#9a56b5 3.0MiB/4.6MiB(6
[download] 100% of 588.67MiB in 00:17
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] qgQDyJ4izhYr7Iq8AorSmW8ZWVCKtemW: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] qgQDyJ4izhYr7Iq8AorSmW8ZWVCKtemW: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] qgQDyJ4izhYr7Iq8AorSmW8ZWVCKtemW: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] qgQDyJ4izhYr7Iq8AorSmW8ZWVCKtemW: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] qgQDyJ4izhYr7Iq8AorSmW8ZWVCKtemW: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3113
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 61.85KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r15UNmHmROQ1OidotMGHxEU1Up2zkSYkoCRxIMe8CXGug5bHycFHx0s6UAYd%2f07exw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036894~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f03%2f1815115843753%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_110_355235_*~data=hdntl~hmac=14790d600ea516b296c13fa7d6d2a923fc7ae36fc4d592c7e2cdaf2686a7113c"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 154
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=WFM0Sj9Udf6oxKBIx7JrGw==; hdntl=exp=1631036894~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f03%2f1815115843753%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_110_355235_*~data=hdntl~hmac=14790d600ea516b296c13fa7d6d2a923fc7ae36fc4d592c7e2cdaf2686a7113c" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 620406736 bytes%)][#b08cc0 2.5MiB/3.9MiB(65%)][#5e253d 2.0MiB/3.0MiB(66%)][#276a3a 2.2MiB/3.6MiB(6
[download] 100% of 591.67MiB in 00:11
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] ROrXYsANbatWVKu_tv9cNZboT2QKYb00: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] ROrXYsANbatWVKu_tv9cNZboT2QKYb00: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] ROrXYsANbatWVKu_tv9cNZboT2QKYb00: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] ROrXYsANbatWVKu_tv9cNZboT2QKYb00: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] ROrXYsANbatWVKu_tv9cNZboT2QKYb00: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3114
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 67.33KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r3BUNmHLR%2fa4XnByzzKQl8XzoSxdQGSyzIt0Ln+lfWhZGl8jJwakyuUKTmdGzvQM2g%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036912~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805422147893%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_103_346897_*~data=hdntl~hmac=fa76051b25dec3085144e93ca3e66c89b86a605fc7dc01001c26d1b754ef7e26"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 153
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=Z32+ULYiuLoHVBI/NkMHWA==; hdntl=exp=1631036912~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805422147893%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_103_346897_*~data=hdntl~hmac=fa76051b25dec3085144e93ca3e66c89b86a605fc7dc01001c26d1b754ef7e26" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 618344928 bytes:13MiB]
[download] 100% of 589.70MiB in 00:12
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No T.V. [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] S73tZLaldCFBERL1pB1y7fnDKxE4q8Mb: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] S73tZLaldCFBERL1pB1y7fnDKxE4q8Mb: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] S73tZLaldCFBERL1pB1y7fnDKxE4q8Mb: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] S73tZLaldCFBERL1pB1y7fnDKxE4q8Mb: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] S73tZLaldCFBERL1pB1y7fnDKxE4q8Mb: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3117
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 54.90KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r4NUNmE1c04hNr2BEzOU1MJPkI5NEcZn5m8qhiZa67VaMPYZNE1WArQptTBHaUL5Kw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036931~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f04%2f1815220803789%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_101_355237_*~data=hdntl~hmac=789f5486cd945f21f4316cfbd71e1f4ce040ac2de8c6ea03768a3d12279c1195"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 120
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=xLZoGH11DQkWokwXqpU6AA==; hdntl=exp=1631036931~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f04%2f1815220803789%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_101_355237_*~data=hdntl~hmac=789f5486cd945f21f4316cfbd71e1f4ce040ac2de8c6ea03768a3d12279c1195" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 483396432 bytes%)][#2d7fb0 4.2MiB/4.2MiB(99%)][#fd4709 1.4MiB/2.8MiB(50%)][#daaffe 3.0MiB/3.8MiB(7
[download] 100% of 461.00MiB in 00:10
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] yH4kbCY9aEPp1dL0XMuGxSgwf1GnT0A0: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] yH4kbCY9aEPp1dL0XMuGxSgwf1GnT0A0: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] yH4kbCY9aEPp1dL0XMuGxSgwf1GnT0A0: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] yH4kbCY9aEPp1dL0XMuGxSgwf1GnT0A0: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] yH4kbCY9aEPp1dL0XMuGxSgwf1GnT0A0: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3119
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 74.62KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nJNUNmG+qD8B5LmDnH7ea2n+rD5uXO4YvDPw0TfkuR1SenDbiLK7mp9WNB0t4fMeNw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036947~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f03%2f1815116355712%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_109_355236_*~data=hdntl~hmac=bb8935283b345dd5c2f2d902d29c248f4ab1f4ba5e6eea98aed20a2fd861fe87"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 156
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=cXt4tqtnq/HkFgZeVJSkpA==; hdntl=exp=1631036947~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f11%2f03%2f1815116355712%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_109_355236_*~data=hdntl~hmac=bb8935283b345dd5c2f2d902d29c248f4ab1f4ba5e6eea98aed20a2fd861fe87" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 630833984 bytes%)][#96f209 2.6MiB/3.6MiB(70%)][#ebef36 3.5MiB/3.7MiB(95%)][#2a5ee0 3.3MiB/4.4MiB(7
[download] 100% of 601.61MiB in 00:12
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] YY3n4_j2bdc0IIIEtbqqPrw51Vw1P3b0: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] YY3n4_j2bdc0IIIEtbqqPrw51Vw1P3b0: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] YY3n4_j2bdc0IIIEtbqqPrw51Vw1P3b0: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] YY3n4_j2bdc0IIIEtbqqPrw51Vw1P3b0: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] YY3n4_j2bdc0IIIEtbqqPrw51Vw1P3b0: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3113
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 71.17KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4nKZUNmFtq1yYklie6UqPd4CgseMeIXuN7n+GnbSXTINMjuYLXzOOjUNkFWYV8u28RA%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036966~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805448259544%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_118_346895_*~data=hdntl~hmac=41f68bb3bbb850a415b6bb708438ab907db6e4da0b0a060da8db0918123d5b14"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 146
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=9iPr9q2ChCMzyTYo75Udwg==; hdntl=exp=1631036966~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805448259544%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_118_346895_*~data=hdntl~hmac=41f68bb3bbb850a415b6bb708438ab907db6e4da0b0a060da8db0918123d5b14" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 590398448 bytes%)][#4fac06 3.6MiB/3.7MiB(97%)][#837d3e 3.0MiB/3.7MiB(79%)][#fc1d9b 1.7MiB/4.4MiB(4
[download] 100% of 563.05MiB in 00:13
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)
[debug] [ParamountPlus] Extracting URL:
[ParamountPlus] Zza2pTzBpwyctKu_BLhjj6Wletr40isA: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] Zza2pTzBpwyctKu_BLhjj6Wletr40isA: Downloading JSON metadata
[ParamountPlus] Zza2pTzBpwyctKu_BLhjj6Wletr40isA: Downloading DASH_CENC_PRECON SMIL data
[ParamountPlus] Zza2pTzBpwyctKu_BLhjj6Wletr40isA: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, quality, res, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[debug] Downloading subtitles: en
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] Zza2pTzBpwyctKu_BLhjj6Wletr40isA: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3109
[info] Writing video subtitles to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt
[download] 100% of 71.02KiB in 00:00
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].info.json
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_2_av.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBAcM%2fAF8k4r7lUNmHyVnCciG5u+ViaWirZ8nAXl3+xo01swTtMCH6caEe4W4dk4HvgfswsNtO%2fog%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1631036985~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805426243788%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_105_346889_*~data=hdntl~hmac=467c02cabc0d752f4c4552c50f6fc8b4b3787b70b01797f42815afc69095ac44"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Fragment downloads will be delegated to aria2c
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 152
[download] Destination: Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4
[debug] aria2c command line: aria2c -c "--console-log-level=warn" "--summary-interval=0" "--download-result=hide" "--file-allocation=none" -x16 -j16 -s16 "--allow-overwrite=true" "--allow-piece-length-change=true" --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3558.0 Safari/537.36" --header "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" --header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" --header "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" --header "Cookie: _alid_=3GpzUczbanHyWxR/ZPrP4A==; hdntl=exp=1631036985~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2020%2f10%2f12%2f1805426243788%2fNICKELODEON_CLARISSAEXPLAINSITALL_105_346889_*~data=hdntl~hmac=467c02cabc0d752f4c4552c50f6fc8b4b3787b70b01797f42815afc69095ac44" "--check-certificate=true" "--remote-time=true" --dir ".\Clarissa Explains It All\" "--auto-file-renaming=false" "--file-allocation=none" "--uri-selector=inorder" -i "Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4.part.frag.urls"
[aria2c] Downloaded 613921456 bytes%)][#0545f1 1.0MiB/4.1MiB(25%)][#dbdad0 2.6MiB/4.0MiB(65%)][#9eb7bf 2.4MiB/3.3MiB(7
[download] 100% of 585.48MiB in 00:10
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].mp4" -i "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt" -c copy -map 0 -dn -map "-0:s" -map "-0:d" "-c:s" mov_text -map "1:0" "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "file:Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].temp.mp4"
Deleting original file Clarissa Explains It All\01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c].en.vtt (pass -k to keep)

Here are the results:

01x01 - Clarissa Explains It All - Revenge [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1195.264 seconds SOURCE: 1195 seconds
01x02 - Clarissa Explains It All - School Picture [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1491.990 seconds SOURCE: 1492 seconds
01x03 - Clarissa Explains It All - No TV [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1530.195 seconds SOURCE: 1530 seconds
01x04 - Clarissa Explains It All - Urge To Drive [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1528.918 seconds SOURCE: 1529 seconds
01x05 - Clarissa Explains It All - Haunted House [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1570.201 seconds SOURCE: 1570 seconds
01x06 - Clarissa Explains It All - Bully [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1548.505 seconds SOURCE: 1548 seconds
01x07 - Clarissa Explains It All - New Addition [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1504.544 seconds SOURCE: 1504 seconds
01x08 - Clarissa Explains It All - Brain Drain [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1558.690 seconds SOURCE: 1559 seconds
01x09 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa Makes A Cake [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1536.326 seconds SOURCE: 1536 seconds
01x10 - Clarissa Explains It All - Parents Who Say No [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1538.270 seconds SOURCE: 1538 seconds
01x11 - Clarissa Explains It All - Cool Dad [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1529.277 seconds SOURCE: 1529 seconds
01x12 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sick Days [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1546.253 seconds SOURCE: 1546 seconds
01x13 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa's Crush [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1460.625 seconds SOURCE:  1461 seconds
01x14 - Clarissa Explains It All - She Drives Me Crazy [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1460.893 seconds SOURCE:  1461 seconds
01x15 - Clarissa Explains It All - Sam Darling [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1460.959 seconds SOURCE:  1461 seconds
01x16 - Clarissa Explains It All - President Ferguson [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1460.917 seconds SOURCE:  1461 seconds
01x17 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Return of Aunt Mafalda [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1462.252 seconds SOURCE: 1462 seconds
01x18 - Clarissa Explains It All - The Great Debate [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1461.359 seconds SOURCE: 1461 seconds
01x19 - Clarissa Explains It All - ME 101 [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1431.129 seconds SOURCE: 1431 seconds
01x20 - Clarissa Explains It All - Clarissa News Network [WEBDL-960] [aria2c] - 1521.753 seconds SOURCE: 1522 seconds

So at least on a small subset of tests aria2c seems to be the clear winner for downloading from so will do some more testing and see if that just has to be the downloader of choice for this specific website.

putnam commented 3 years ago

Just gave aria2c a shot with your settings on the same show. Same audio issue occurred for me immediately on S01E04. Audio loops twice, video freezes, then resyncs. Length mismatches.

This issue is non-deterministic, so it can be misleading when you get a good run.

By the way, you don't need cookies for Paramount, at least not right now.

pukkandan commented 3 years ago

If the issue exists in native downloader, it will exist in aria as well

I haven't got a chance to test this issue yet. But since you guys seems to be more than willing to play around with it, here are some things you can try:

  1. Use native downloader, but don't let ffmpeg touch the file. So no fixup, don't embed subs, dont even merge (if merge is needed). If the issue still exists, we can be sure that the problem is not with ffmpeg. If this either resolves the issue or gives a totally unplayable file, do (2)
  2. Try with ffmpeg 3.0.1. There are some known issues with how newer versions of ffmpeg handles timestamps. If the problem is caused by that, 3.0.1 should work correctly. If (1) still gave the desync, no point in trying this.
  3. If neither of these fixed the problem, we can rule out ffmpeg issue. So there is either an issue with how yt-dlp is merging the files or in how the server is serving the fragments. Run with --keep-fragments and once you encounter the issue, try and identify the problem fragment. Now rename (so that yt-dlp doesnt recognize it, but we can restore the fragment later if needed) the problematic fragment (and the merged file) and rerun the download - yt-dlp will just download the missing fragment and merge everything. If the issue is gone, try restoring the problem fragment and re-running again. If you can consistently get back the issue, the problem is most likely with the fragment data that the server is providing us

and manual download shows the same duration

What did you mean manual download? How exactly did you download?

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

and manual download shows the same duration

What did you mean manual download? How exactly did you download?

I downloaded it using nm3u8dl (which I realize is not technically manually downloading it, but I meant it in a more "didn't use yt-dlp or youtube-dl to grab it" sort of way) but I used the mpd pulled from devtools network tab. Then I realized that that's not what yt-dlp uses anyways, so it's like comparing apples to oranges.

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

Just gave aria2c a shot with your settings on the same show. Same audio issue occurred for me immediately on S01E04. Audio loops twice, video freezes, then resyncs. Length mismatches.

This issue is non-deterministic, so it can be misleading when you get a good run.

By the way, you don't need cookies for Paramount, at least not right now.

Currently testing with ffmpeg 3.0.1 as using --fixup never worked with amazing results but I don't like having it off if I can help it. So hopefully will still work with the older ffmpeg.

UPDATE: Out of the 50 files I've downloaded so far, not a single one was corrupt.

But I would definitely use aria2c for it's increased efficiency on this site though.

I am using ffmpeg 3.0.1 only for yt-dlp and therefore used --ffmpeg-location to specify where the ffprobe.exe and ffmpeg.exe for 3.0.1 are located and that's pretty much it.

Ashish0804 commented 3 years ago

@Sipherdrakon issue solved then?

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

I thought so but then after after 58 videos in it started up again.

Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x02 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 102 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1630:1571 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x02 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 102 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 03x03 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 303 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1785:1762 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 03x03 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 303 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x03 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 103 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1558:1526 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x03 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 103 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 02x03 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 203 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1369:1368 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 02x03 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 203 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 02x04 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 204 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1460:1450 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 02x04 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 204 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 03x04 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 304 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1685:1677 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 03x04 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 304 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x04 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 104 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1695:1662 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x04 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 104 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 02x05 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 205 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1434:1430 - Error found, retrying...
Beavis and Butt-Head - 02x05 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 205 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK
Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x05 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 105 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1717:1700 - Error found, retrying...

So I'll go back to --fixup never and see if I can get something consistent. and if not then try to see if it's just randomly sending out bad fragments from the server, and in that case it won't be something that can fixed in yt-dlp and will need to just workaround it.

Ashish0804 commented 3 years ago

This error is not same as before tho and why are u always testing with different urls? 🤦 Just test the 3 urls u pasted above which didn't work before. Also nextime run the command with -k and see if the error is in downloading or merging ( imo it's the same ffmpeg merging issue in the newer versions)

Sipherdrakon commented 3 years ago

This error is not same as before tho and why are u always testing with different urls? 🤦

The error is the same as before. It still has a longer duration on the downloaded video than in the source.

Because it's a random issue, so I could test the same set 100x and I would get some that download all perfectly and others that download only half without corruption.

Notice in the above how the first time they were downloaded they were corrupt

Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x02 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 102 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1630:1571 - Error found, retrying...

Then it redownloaded the video and it was good

Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x02 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 102 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK

Tried with --keep-video and it doesn't do anything, just the one video file.

putnam commented 3 years ago

I reproduce the issue with the native HLS downloader and never calling out to ffmpeg. I don’t think ffmpeg is the issue.

I’m not sure Ashish is understanding this issue well enough and is being needlessly dismissive and negative.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 1:47 AM Sipherdrakon @.***> wrote:

This error is not same as before tho and why are u always testing with different urls? 🤦

The error is the same as before. It still has a longer duration on the downloaded video than in the source.

Because it's a random issue, so I could test the same set 100x and I would get some that download all perfectly and others that download only half without corruption.

Notice in the above how the first time they were downloaded they were corrupt

Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x02 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 102 [WEBDL].mp4 - Downloaded:Source - 1630:1571 - Error found, retrying...

Then it redownloaded the video and it was good

Beavis and Butt-Head - 01x02 - Beavis and Butt-Head - The Mike Judge Collection 102 [WEBDL].mp4 - Download OK

Tried with --keep-video and it doesn't do anything, just the one video file.

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pukkandan commented 2 years ago

There have been some updates to the hls decryption and fixup code (in master). While I don't think they will fix this issue, please do test and let me know if the issue still exists

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

Also, test with the same video multiple times, not with different videos. If it appears the error is appearing randomly for the same video, it is most likely a server side issue

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

Any update on this?

sirmarksalot commented 2 years ago

@pukkandan issue still exists when using 2021.10.10

sirmarksalot commented 2 years ago

Here is some interesting info i found.

I downloaded a show 3 times. AA - issues BB - issues CC - no issues

demuxing the video from all 3 downloads results in the same checksums demuxing the audio results in 3 different checksums

ea3ff614b29ebf24a7a460f4fc85e45f930ea2d5 AA/video.h264 runtime 41 min 4 s ea3ff614b29ebf24a7a460f4fc85e45f930ea2d5 BB/video.h264 runtime 41 min 4 s ea3ff614b29ebf24a7a460f4fc85e45f930ea2d5 CC/video.h264 runtime 41 min 4 s 841dec5b90b1eca5c58137ddc73e9dc0fed5fd63 AA/audio.aac runtime 41 min 41 s e48ab4c9794e28488b79dc1411cec41d43feb186 BB/audio.aac runtime 41 min 30 s f1419e56f1a0f82d4acc194469e8c7211a53667a CC/audio.aac runtime 41 min 4 s

when using aria2 to download with --keep-segments what steps are involved in decrypting the segments so we can see how many segments are bad etc?

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

The decryption is just AES. The key and IV are obtained from the manifest. But first, check if the (encrypted) fragments give the same checksums across the different runs

sirmarksalot commented 2 years ago

yes the encrypted fragments have different checksums each time you download. i edited some code so yt-dlp writes unencrypted fragments to disk and found the following.

I download the same episode of a show 3 times. resulted in 1 'bad' copy and 2 'good' copies

the bad copy had a single fragment that's checksum didn't match the other 2 good copies

taking that fragment and demuxing it we find as excepted the video matches but the audio doesn't

68ac4dd83697c6e6ae13855tged0bca0b2e31bb5  A_BAD/vid.h264
68ac4dd83697c6e6ae13855tged0bca0b2e31bb5  B_GOOD/vid.h264
b3aea1021ca1ec38f09aaefe8017d0a198fa3b3b  A_BAD/aud.aac
e8cb8b9df506bca0b229312563291829398f71dd  B_GOOD/aud.aac

file sizes in bytes
195284   A_BAD/aud.aac
119918  B_GOOD/aud.aac

I'm 100% this is a server side issue. I will keep looking and see if i can find a pattern of why the bad audio frags are bigger than the 'good' copies and maybe a work around can be added to yt-dlp

MKVFriend commented 2 years ago

Reviving this issue with a fix suggestion.

It seems that the looped audio is caused by issues with the fragments during the 1st time downloading. Idk if its a caching issue on CBS's part, rate limiting or what. Doesn't matter. Point is the issue seems to go away after downloading the file a 2nd or 3rd time, which is why I think the issue is in the caching.

Suggestion for a fix: allow users to pass a duration check option (-dc or --duration_check) that compares the duration of the output file with the duration in the manifest/json (+or- 2 seconds to avoid byte splits), and if the duration doesn't match, redownload the file.

Also QOL suggestion: replace "paramountplus" with "cbs" when parsing the URLs. This fixes the 403 issues.

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

Suggestion for a fix: allow users to pass a duration check option (-dc or --duration_check) that compares the duration of the output file with the duration in the manifest/json (+or- 2 seconds to avoid byte splits), and if the duration doesn't match, redownload the file.

This can be easily done by a wrapper. Not a very useful feature to add for such a niche usecase imo

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

Closing since confirmed external issue. You can ofc still discuss possible solutions

putnam commented 2 years ago

CBS/Paramount/Viacom is a “niche” use case?

On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 8:55 AM pukkandan @.***> wrote:

Closed #898

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jayrox commented 2 years ago

I wrote a simple python script that loops through a list of URLS, downloading one by one, checking the duration local vs source and if the diff is greater than 3 seconds, it deletes the file and redownloads. I've been messing with this for a few days now. It seems that it usually takes two downloads to get a good mp4.

INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.info.json
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:44:20.717000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2660
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 81
ERROR - Duration diff greater than 3 seconds - 81
ERROR - Failure, redownloading
INFO - Download attempt: 2
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.info.json
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:42:59.352000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2579
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 0
INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I Promise....mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:43:49.373000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2629
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 50
ERROR - Duration diff greater than 3 seconds - 50
ERROR - Failure, redownloading
INFO - Download attempt: 2
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I Promise....mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:42:59.218000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2579
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 0
INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E11 - I'm Ruthless and I Have a Smile On My Face.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E11 - I'm Ruthless and I Have a Smile On My
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:43:00.828000
INFO - Source timestamp: 43:01
INFO - Local seconds: 2580
INFO - Source seconds: 2581
INFO - Diff seconds: 1
INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix Her.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix
WARNING - Seperator count mismatch - 2 - 1
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:45:18.018000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2718
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 139
ERROR - Duration diff greater than 3 seconds - 139
ERROR - Failure, redownloading
INFO - Download attempt: 2
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix Her.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:42:59.085000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2579
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 0

I wonder if it could be related to the CDN caching fragments from upstream?

Also - I've got several seasons of logs that look just like this.

Sipherdrakon commented 2 years ago

I wrote a simple python script that loops through a list of URLS, downloading one by one, checking the duration local vs source and if the diff is greater than 3 seconds, it deletes the file and redownloads. I've been messing with this for a few days now. It seems that it usually takes two downloads to get a good mp4.

INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.info.json
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:44:20.717000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2660
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 81
ERROR - Duration diff greater than 3 seconds - 81
ERROR - Failure, redownloading
INFO - Download attempt: 2
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E09 - I'm In Such a Hot Pickle!.info.json
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:42:59.352000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2579
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 0
INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I Promise....mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:43:49.373000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2629
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 50
ERROR - Duration diff greater than 3 seconds - 50
ERROR - Failure, redownloading
INFO - Download attempt: 2
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I Promise....mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E10 - I
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:42:59.218000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2579
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 0
INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E11 - I'm Ruthless and I Have a Smile On My Face.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E11 - I'm Ruthless and I Have a Smile On My
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:43:00.828000
INFO - Source timestamp: 43:01
INFO - Local seconds: 2580
INFO - Source seconds: 2581
INFO - Diff seconds: 1
INFO - Download attempt: 1
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix Her.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix
WARNING - Seperator count mismatch - 2 - 1
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:45:18.018000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2718
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 139
ERROR - Duration diff greater than 3 seconds - 139
ERROR - Failure, redownloading
INFO - Download attempt: 2
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix Her.mp4
INFO - Survivor\Season 16\Survivor - S16E12 - I'm Gonna Fix
INFO - Local timestamp: 0:42:59.085000
INFO - Source timestamp: 42:59
INFO - Local seconds: 2579
INFO - Source seconds: 2579
INFO - Diff seconds: 0

I wonder if it could be related to the CDN caching fragments from upstream?

Also - I've got several seasons of logs that look just like this.

I've found that most nickelodeon stuff is really tricky using this same type of method. It either misses whole fragments or something but usually it will have the downloaded file be about 10 seconds short of the source and will never be within 3 seconds of each other. Even after 100 re-downloads.

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

it will have the downloaded file be about 10 seconds short of the source

How are you comparing it? If it is based on the duration given by yt-dlp, there is always the possibility that the extracted duration is slightly off

jayrox commented 2 years ago

I compare using FFProbe vs the duration in the info.json file

Sipherdrakon commented 2 years ago

Ffprobe for downloaded file and ytdlp for Source Duration.

jayrox commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to inspect the fragments? Where could just re-download the fragment rather than the whole thing?

On Wed, Dec 22, 2021, 6:01 PM Sipherdrakon @.***> wrote:

Ffprobe for downloaded file and ytdlp for Source Duration.

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pukkandan commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to inspect the fragments


jayrox commented 2 years ago

Well, yeah. is there a switch or file that details those fragments?

On Wed, Dec 22, 2021, 6:09 PM pukkandan @.***> wrote:

Is it possible to inspect the fragments


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jayrox commented 2 years ago

Judging by your confused emoji, what I am asking is: I use the --keep-fragments switch which leaves me with 256 fragment files. Is there a switch that would allow me to save the manifest used to get the fragments? I see the info.json file, in this particular file I am looking at, references the format being hls-3114 and a manifest url as well as some http headers. Would I need to use those details and reconstruct the request to get the manifest?

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

--write-pages. You may also be interested in --print-traffic

jayrox commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll give those a go

jayrox commented 2 years ago

Ok, I went through the traffic, each of the pages and the best I can see is that nothing provides details to the fragments such as expected file size. However, I do see a response content-length header. I guess my next step is to look to see if there could be mismatch in the header vs what actually got saved. Then maybe see if the difference can be used to identify fragments that need to be re-downloaded.

BillyCreek commented 2 years ago

I can't add anything to this except to say that I've seen the same issues. It's a crapshoot as to whether or not the download is good. I tried downloading just the audio and then muxing that with the video, but it makes no difference. Or, rather, it's still a crapshoot.

raleeper commented 2 years ago

When I had this problem on some CBS episodes I found that I could detect it by using ffprobe on the downloaded video to inspect the pts times of the audio packets. The pts time jumps backward at the started of a repeated audio segment, then jumps forward again when correct packets start to flow again. Paramount+ is likely to share infrastructure with CBS, so the same process might work for you. Unfortunately, once you spot the scrambled pts times the only fix is to try the download the video again (and again).

jayrox commented 2 years ago

At the moment I am going down the rabbit hole of checking the file length compared to the content-length given in the fragment's HTTP headers. Deleting the fragment if it doesn't match and restarting the download.

Running into an issue of getting yt-dlp to redownload just the missing fragments and then rechecking, following up with a rebuild of the .mp4 file.

Currently failing at getting the mp4 to rebuild.

If I can't get this to work right at least the main script checking the durations local vs source and retrying if the diff is too large. Seems to be working fine but requires a complete redownload.

pukkandan commented 2 years ago

getting yt-dlp to redownload just the missing fragments and then rechecking, following up with a rebuild of the .mp4 file.

Delete the bad fragment and the MP4. Then re-run the command. Make sure you don't have --force-overwrite, --no-continue in your command

BillyCreek commented 2 years ago

I wonder why this doesn't appear to be a problem when watching a show in a browser? Or is it? I've never seen it happen, but then, I haven't watched a ton of stuff in-browser.