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BUG: plot bounds are off with `ds.r[...].plot` in non-cartesian geometries #4499

Open neutrinoceros opened 1 year ago

neutrinoceros commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Bug summary

This was discovered in #4497, which I reproduce here for self-consistency

Code for reproduction

import yt
import yt.testing

ds = yt.testing.fake_amr_ds(geometry="spherical")
c = ds.domain_center

Actual outcome


Expected outcome

The output should look identical to

import yt
import yt.testing

ds = yt.testing.fake_amr_ds(geometry="spherical")
c = ds.domain_center
yt.SlicePlot(ds, "theta", "Density").save("/tmp/test2.png")


neutrinoceros commented 1 year ago fixes the simple cases that are illustrated here and in #4497, but actual tests are needed to close this, which will be easier to manage on the dev branch (especially considering

neutrinoceros commented 1 year ago

I am not so sure about what the "correct" behavior should be (the current one is still clearly incorrect). Given that YTSlice.plot is already slightly different from SlicePlot in that it uses ˋorigin="native"` by default, maybe it would make sense to also use native plot axes (as #4179 attempts at enabling). @matthewturk, @jzuhone I would be interested in your opinions on this.