Open yt-fido opened 10 years ago
Original comment by Chris Malone (Bitbucket: ChrisMalone, GitHub: ChrisMalone):
@jnaiman is also working on something similar for use in Blender with her AstroBlend package.
Original comment by Michael Zingale (Bitbucket: mzingale, GitHub: Unknown):
I'd be interested in helping out on this. One limitation that I've run into with that cookbook recipe is that matplotlib does not allow one to make the aspect ratio of the x, y, and z axes equal when doing that contour plot. They have a crude hack that they suggest to pad the domain so it is cubic, but then you wind up with regions outside of your domain shown as empty spaces in the otherwise nice matplotlib 3-d axes.
Not sure if this has been fixed in matplotlib 1.4, but I don't think it has. I'll try to dig up the links to the unsatisfactory workarounds I've found.
Originally reported by: Chris Malone (Bitbucket: ChrisMalone, GitHub: ChrisMalone)
Most visualization software provides the capability to make isocontour plots, even in 3d. We have a round-about way of doing this in a cookbook recipe, but this should be much simpler for the user.