ytai / ioio

Software, firmware and hardware of the IOIO - I/O for Android
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HelloIOIOService stops after 2/3 hours #132

Open nivthetool opened 7 years ago

nivthetool commented 7 years ago

Hi Gurus,

i need a service that blinks a led (pin1) every 100 msec must run 24/7. using HelloIOIOService everything works perfect for 2~3 hours, than led stops please any help i have been struggling over a week with this. i have tried different phones different boards run both apk debug and release-signed all act the same.

my androids are not rooted.

i have bought 2 boards from sparkfun

Hardware version: SPRK0020 Bootloader version: IOIO0400 Application version: IOIO0506

i have connected a led to pin 1 have connect my Android 4.4.2

running HelloIOIOService

protected void setup() throws ConnectionLostException, InterruptedException { ntt_led_on=false; nttled = ioio.openDigitalOutput(NTT_LED_PIN, false); } public void loop() throws ConnectionLostException, InterruptedException { ntt_led_on = !ntt_led_on; ntt_led.write(ntt_led_on); Thread.sleep(100); }


brtietz commented 6 years ago

If you're still struggling with this issue, two questions for you:

What version(s) of Android have you tested on?

Is there an activity associated with the HelloIOIOService? If so, is it in the foreground the entire time?