ytatus94 / Higgsino

The NUHM2 Higgsino study
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Skype discussions with Joey #1

Open ytatus94 opened 7 years ago

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[24.04.17, 4:22:52 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, as you saw from Judita's talk. We (Judita's institute and Oklahoma) also want to work on the Higgsino topic.So I also have question about your framework. Does the entire group use your framework to produce the common ntuple?

[24.04.17, 4:23:15 PM] Joey Reichert: yes, everyone is working with the common ntuples in Higgsino

[24.04.17, 4:25:01 PM] Yu-Ting: Ok, I think I might need lots of help from you when I work on 2/3L and Higgsino study. But I have to go to SS/3L meeting now. Let me spend some time to study your framework and raise questions in the future. Thank you for your help in advance.

[24.04.17, 4:25:12 PM] Joey Reichert: sure thing!

[24.04.17, 7:28:52 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, based on today's talk, does the higgsino group use SUSY16 derivation? The NUHM2 only request SUSY2 and SUSY10. Shall I request SUSY16 with which p-tag?

[24.04.17, 7:29:18 PM] Joey Reichert: Hi Yu-Ting, we do use SUSY16. let me find our jira

[24.04.17, 7:30:51 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much. I will put most of my time on EWK 2/3L first, but requesting SUSY16 doesn't take lots of time so I will request it soon.

[24.04.17, 7:30:51 PM] Joey Reichert: hmm, i thought we had an issue for derivations in our Higgsino Jira page, but apparently not. yeah, it’s an easy thing to take care of ahead of time! well okay, all of our signals are with p2952 right now this would probably be fine for you

[24.04.17, 7:32:56 PM] Yu-Ting: Ok, I will request p2952. Thank you for your help. :)

[24.04.17, 7:33:03 PM] Joey Reichert: no problem!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[15.05.17, 3:22:14 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, Nicky (EWK 3L convenor) agreed to help us to produce our NUHM2 HistFitter ntuple for me 3 weeks ago, but I didn't get any thing from her. I sent her several mail and she didn't reply. I think I will spend my time on the Higgsino study. The SUSY16 p2952 DAOD for the NUHM2 are ready now. I guess I have to use the Higgsino common framework to produce the common ntuple for NUHM2. Is it correct?

[15.05.17, 3:22:54 PM] Joey Reichert: It might be worthwhile to add Sarah Williams to the 3L discussion, since she is the other contact of course they might both be busy with the paper etc for Higgsino, yes, if you give me a list of datasets, or make one similar to this:

[15.05.17, 3:23:33 PM] Yu-Ting: I checked your slide but the link for SusySkimHiggsino doesn't work.

[15.05.17, 3:23:49 PM] Joey Reichert: does this work? you might need permissions oh, actually you might get it automatically if you subscribe to the atlas-phys-susy-higgsino mailing list

[15.05.17, 3:24:46 PM] Yu-Ting: Yes, I always add Sarah in our discussion. And in the SUSY workshop, I also ask her to introduce Nicky and Nicola to me and Judita. But Sarah told me Nicky didn't attend the workshop and she cannot find Nicola.

[15.05.17, 3:25:00 PM] Joey Reichert: ah that is unfortunate okay, i just added you to the git so it might work now

[15.05.17, 3:25:38 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much! for Higgsino, yes, if you give me a list of datasets, <--- Do you mean I provide you the dataset and you will produce the common ntuples for me?

[15.05.17, 3:26:29 PM] Joey Reichert: yes, i can anyway it’s easy enough to add an extra list of datasets to our nominal production of course you are welcome to run things yourself as well, especially if you want to test adding new features, etc

[15.05.17, 3:27:22 PM] Yu-Ting: Okay, let me check the name of the datasets. Please wait a moment


Here they are

[15.05.17, 3:30:01 PM] Joey Reichert: okay cool, i can add these in then we might do another production in the next day or two

[15.05.17, 3:30:19 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much :)

[15.05.17, 3:30:23 PM] Joey Reichert: no problem!

[15.05.17, 3:31:06 PM] Yu-Ting: Because Mike showed the SR is defined, I will use the existing SR to calculate the significances.

[15.05.17, 3:32:59 PM] Joey Reichert: yeah, makes sense!

[15.05.17, 3:33:40 PM] Yu-Ting: I may have more questions which need your help because I just start to work on this Higgsino study. And I know the Higgsino WG would like to ask approval soon. I need to speed up my progress.

[15.05.17, 3:33:52 PM] Joey Reichert: yeah, no worries! i’m also at cern this week, in case you need any help

[15.05.17, 3:34:35 PM] Yu-Ting: Is there notification after the production?

[15.05.17, 3:34:45 PM] Joey Reichert: i usually post to our jira on HIGGSINO-16

[15.05.17, 3:35:13 PM] Yu-Ting: Ok, I will subscribe the atlas-phys-susy-higgsino mailing list

[15.05.17, 3:36:14 PM] Joey Reichert: okay, and here is the jira page:

[15.05.17, 3:36:26 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much.

[15.05.17, 3:36:36 PM] Joey Reichert: no problem!

[15.05.17, 3:39:12 PM] Yu-Ting: For my understanding, I have to provide a framework which applies the SR selections and use the framework to run over the common ntuples to count the number of events in the SR. But how to validate my framework? Any comparison exists for this study?

[15.05.17, 3:39:59 PM] Joey Reichert: we have a cutflow here: and right, basically everyone is running over the ntuples however they’d like right now though it might make sense to eventually harmonize this too (though hopefully it shouldn’t be too complicated as it is!)

[15.05.17, 3:42:46 PM] Yu-Ting: Sorry, I want to clarify that the spreadsheet you gave me using the DAOD not the common ntuples because I saw the sample name with DAOD_SUSY16.

[15.05.17, 3:43:28 PM] Joey Reichert: it’s a bit of both--we have some cuts applied before the ntuple, which some of us are adding into the spreadsheet but in principle the DAOD-level and ntuple-level numbers will agree after the baseline leptons and MET cuts

[15.05.17, 3:47:06 PM] Yu-Ting: I don't quite understand. Do you mean that if I apply cuts on the common ntuple, then the line 18 (and after line 18) should be agreed.

[15.05.17, 3:48:05 PM] Joey Reichert: well, we skim on at least 2 baseline leptons and MET > 150 GeV so actually it’ll be after line 49

[15.05.17, 3:49:03 PM] Yu-Ting: It seems I have to read the common framework to see what it does. And ask you again if I have any question.

[15.05.17, 3:49:32 PM] Joey Reichert: sure, sounds good!

[15.05.17, 3:49:53 PM] Yu-Ting: Let me make a note about our discussion. Thank you very much!

[15.05.17, 3:50:05 PM] Joey Reichert: no problem!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[19.05.17, 5:52:45 PM] Joey Reichert: hi yu-ting, as a heads up, we have new ntuples accessible via rucio at: user.jreicher:SusySkimHiggsino_v1.4_SUSY16_Signal_tree user.jreicher:SusySkimHiggsino_v1.4_SUSY16_Bkgs_tree i’ll be flying tomorrow, but feel free to ask questions on Jira if you have any!

[19.05.17, 5:54:59 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much! I will download the new ntuples Have a safe trip! :)

[19.05.17, 5:55:30 PM] Joey Reichert: thanks a lot!

[19.05.17, 5:57:54 PM] Yu-Ting: I have one question about the SR in Mike's slide

[19.05.17, 5:57:59 PM] Joey Reichert: sure

[19.05.17, 5:58:04 PM] Yu-Ting: page 3 What is the M{\tau\tau}? Is it different from M{\ell\ell}? I mean, do we have to require the lepton to be tau in order to apply the M_{\tau\tau} requirement?

[19.05.17, 5:59:25 PM] Joey Reichert: ah it is a somewhat complicated variable which is basically designed to reject events which would form a Z-peak using taus let me find some information for you

[19.05.17, 6:00:02 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much

[19.05.17, 6:00:38 PM] Joey Reichert: so this has some information the long story short is that a variable named MTauTau exists in the ntuple, which you can use

[19.05.17, 6:01:33 PM] Yu-Ting: And for the mT2 and mll, there is no cut but fit for sleptons and Higgsinos. I don't understand and I don't know how to do this fit. Could you please point me the correct information for this too? Thank you.

[19.05.17, 6:01:55 PM] Joey Reichert: so this hasn’t been fully defined yet but the idea is that if we cut on these vars, we would kill some signal points

[19.05.17, 6:02:08 PM] Yu-Ting: Ok, if the MTauTau variable exists in the ntuple, then I will use it directly.

[19.05.17, 6:02:12 PM] Joey Reichert: so it is better to be more inclusive in them and perform a shape fit

[19.05.17, 6:02:52 PM] Yu-Ting: If I want to calculate the Zn values, then can I ignore the mT2 and mll requirement at this stage?

[19.05.17, 6:03:22 PM] Joey Reichert: i think it would be okay, but actually mike/joana might have better ideas because in reality the limit setting might be a bit more complicated

[19.05.17, 6:04:59 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you, then I will ignore the mT2 and mll temporarily and try to make significance plots at this weekend and show the plots on Monday meeting.

[19.05.17, 6:05:20 PM] Joey Reichert: nice, hope it goes well!

[19.05.17, 6:05:36 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you for your great help! :)

[19.05.17, 6:05:53 PM] Joey Reichert: no problem!!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[22.05.17, 5:15:25 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, I have questions. Is there any signal jet requirement for the Higgsino study? I only see some jets' information in the ntuple but I don't know are they signal or baseline jets Also is there any way to get b-jet Pt?

[22.05.17, 5:17:05 PM] Joey Reichert: nJet30 and nJet25 are signal jets while nTotalJet includes the fwd jets the vectors of jetPt and so on are all for signal central jets too

[22.05.17, 5:18:05 PM] Yu-Ting: So the jet Pt is for signal jet only

[22.05.17, 5:18:39 PM] Joey Reichert: let me just double check okay, yes they are signal jets (i wanted to be sure that the JVT is applied for all of them)

[22.05.17, 5:20:04 PM] Yu-Ting: there are several getXXX() methods in the framework. but I couldn't find the definition/implementation. I think they are defined in SusySkimMaker/BaseUser.h. Could you please point me where it this BaseUser? This is not in the SusySkimHiggsino package.

[22.05.17, 5:20:15 PM] Joey Reichert: for b-jet pt, i am not sure... we typically do a veto on the b-jets, so we haven’t thought much about saving that information

[22.05.17, 5:20:56 PM] Yu-Ting: It is okay if there is no b-jet pT because applying b-jet veto.

[22.05.17, 5:21:04 PM] Joey Reichert: as well as

[22.05.17, 5:21:25 PM] Yu-Ting: Thank you very much!

[22.05.17, 5:21:51 PM] Joey Reichert: no problem!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[31.05.17, 11:55:20 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, I want to ask a stupid question. Shall I use all the background (NoSys one) in the SusySkimHiggsino_v1.4_SUSY16_Bkgs_tree?

*[31.05.17, 11:55:50 PM] Joey Reichert: except the ones with `alt_` in the name**

[31.05.17, 11:55:56 PM] Yu-Ting: I mean when I calculate the significance, shall I use all bkg to see how many events in SR?

[31.05.17, 11:56:11 PM] Joey Reichert: eventually we’ll use the fully data driven fake estimation, in which case this might change a bit (but electron FFs are way too big currently)

[31.05.17, 11:58:27 PM] Yu-Ting: I asked you this question because I ran over all NUHM2 signal and backgrounds and the number of events are still large. I can tell no significance by eyes. Although the numbers are quite smaller comparing with what I showed to you last time, they are still larger than N_{signal} Maybe I did something wrong.

[01.06.17, 12:00:53 AM] Joey Reichert: if you are worried that the backgrounds are too large, it might be useful to put a stacked plot on one of the relevant jiras (either for NUHM2 or elsewhere). i know that a few people have looked closely at the backgrounds in the SR, and might be able to compare with your yields

[01.06.17, 12:00:54 AM] Yu-Ting: I want to add a new worksheet in the cutflow google doc. So I can compare my results with other people's results. ok, thank you for your suggestion. I will try to read all the JIRA tickets at weekend. Maybe I can find some information from JIRA.

[01.06.17, 12:04:28 AM] Joey Reichert: well, it doesn’t hurt to post what you’ve found--it’s possible that you made a mistake, but also possible that other people did!

[01.06.17, 12:05:07 AM] Yu-Ting: yes, I know. I will also post some of our discussions for the cutflow study.

[01.06.17, 12:05:14 AM] Joey Reichert: okay, great!

[01.06.17, 12:06:21 AM] Yu-Ting: It's midnight here, I will take a rest and do it tomorrow. Thank you and good night. :)

[01.06.17, 12:06:34 AM] Joey Reichert: okay! thanks, you too!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[01.06.17, 12:00:53 AM] Joey Reichert: if you are worried that the backgrounds are too large, it might be useful to put a stacked plot on one of the relevant jiras (either for NUHM2 or elsewhere). i know that a few people have looked closely at the backgrounds in the SR, and might be able to compare with your yields

[01.06.17, 12:00:54 AM] Yu-Ting: I want to add a new worksheet in the cutflow google doc. So I can compare my results with other people's results. ok, thank you for your suggestion. I will try to read all the JIRA tickets at weekend. Maybe I can find some information from JIRA.

[01.06.17, 12:04:28 AM] Joey Reichert: well, it doesn’t hurt to post what you’ve found--it’s possible that you made a mistake, but also possible that other people did!

[01.06.17, 12:05:07 AM] Yu-Ting: yes, I know. I will also post some of our discussions for the cutflow study.

[01.06.17, 12:05:14 AM] Joey Reichert: okay, great!

[01.06.17, 12:06:21 AM] Yu-Ting: It's midnight here, I will take a rest and do it tomorrow. Thank you and good night. :)

[01.06.17, 12:06:34 AM] Joey Reichert: okay! thanks, you too!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[08.06.17, 2:29:48 PM] Yu-Ting: I also get 404 This is not a valid room link

[08.06.17, 2:32:34 PM] Joey Reichert: in case you didn’t see:

[08.06.17, 2:32:48 PM] Yu-Ting: I am in the room now. Thank you

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[12.06.17, 2:56:04 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, a stupid question. You said b-jets 20 is tighter. Is that because we want to apply b-jet veto and there are more b-jet vetoed if we require pT>20 than pT>30.

[12.06.17, 2:56:18 PM] Joey Reichert: yep, exactly!

[12.06.17, 2:56:27 PM] Yu-Ting: ok thank you :)

Hi Joey, I got Judita's test compressed + compressed MC files at weekend and I am working on the truth study for the NUHM2 now. I want to ask that the variables HTLep12, mt2, All are using baseline or signal leptons?

[12.06.17, 6:15:33 PM] Joey Reichert: good question so the answer is baseline leptons except for the mt2 variables and that was a bug actually, which mt2 variable in particular are you looking at?

[12.06.17, 6:17:05 PM] Yu-Ting: are there several mt2 variable? I only use the 1st and 2nd leading leptons to calculate mt2.

[12.06.17, 6:17:47 PM] Joey Reichert: ah, sorry--the variables you’re describing are stored in the tree, e.g.

Br  259 :METOverHTLep12 : METOverHTLep12/F                                  
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022298 bytes  File Size  =     924233 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.11
[12.06.17, 6:17:58 PM] Joey Reichert: Br  268 :mt2leplsp_0 : mt2leplsp_0/F                                        
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022184 bytes  File Size  =     352561 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.90     
Br  269 :mt2leplsp_25 : mt2leplsp_25/F                                      
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022222 bytes  File Size  =     343821 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.97     
Br  270 :mt2leplsp_50 : mt2leplsp_50/F                                      
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022222 bytes  File Size  =     336397 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.04     
Br  271 :mt2leplsp_75 : mt2leplsp_75/F                                      
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022222 bytes  File Size  =     336248 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.04     
Br  272 :mt2leplsp_90 : mt2leplsp_90/F                                      
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022222 bytes  File Size  =     338658 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.02     
Br  273 :mt2leplsp_95 : mt2leplsp_95/F                                      
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022222 bytes  File Size  =     339969 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.00     
Br  274 :mt2leplsp_100 : mt2leplsp_100/F                                    
Entries :   254625 : Total  Size=    1022260 bytes  File Size  =     340819 
Baskets :       34 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.00

[12.06.17, 6:18:07 PM] Joey Reichert: where the various mt2’s have different LSP assumptions (we rely on the 100 GeV assumption for the sleptons)

[12.06.17, 6:19:47 PM] Yu-Ting: I know there are those variables. So I misunderstood about the mt2 calculations. we actually use lepton and LSP to calculate mt2 not two leptons.

[12.06.17, 6:20:04 PM] Joey Reichert: mt2 uses two leptons and LSP okay so i misunderstood your question as long as you use nLep_signal == 2 && nLep_base == 2, then your mt2 plots should be fine if you don’t, then you may find some -999 entries

[12.06.17, 6:21:19 PM] Yu-Ting: That is what I coded in the truth study.

mT2  = calcMT2(signalLeptons[0],signalLeptons[1],metVec);

I just copy this from other example. It looks like two leptons and LSP.

[12.06.17, 6:21:48 PM] Joey Reichert: yes, it is

[12.06.17, 6:22:06 PM] Yu-Ting: thank you.

[12.06.17, 6:22:38 PM] Joey Reichert: of course!

[12.06.17, 6:23:25 PM] Yu-Ting: Are there tau requirement for MTauTau calculation? In the HiggsinoSelector, there is only

getMSqTauTau(configMgr->obj, 2)

I think configMgr->obj only returns an object but it might not be tau

[12.06.17, 6:23:54 PM] Joey Reichert: you can find it in here: it only relies on leptons + the MET (sorry, i’ll be back shortly, so i might be slow to reply!)

[12.06.17, 6:24:29 PM] Yu-Ting: it is okay, thank you very much!

ytatus94 commented 7 years ago

[16.06.17, 4:52:16 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, I want to ask questions about the overlap removal. Does the common framework apply OR(jet, muon) and OR(el, mu)? Because some of the simple analysis examples have these:

baselineJets        = overlapRemoval(baselineJets, baselineMuons, 0.4, LessThan3Tracks);
baseElectrons       = overlapRemoval(baselineElectrons, baselineMuons, 0.01);

I think my simple analysis framework should align with the common framework. If the common framework has these OR requirement, then I will add them into my simple analysis code.

[16.06.17, 5:04:23 PM] Joey Reichert: you can find our OR requirements in the SUSYTools conf here:

[16.06.17, 5:05:45 PM] Yu-Ting: thank you very much!

ytatus94 commented 6 years ago

[12.07.17, 3:15:16 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, do you know where can I find the slha files for the Higgsino simplified model? I want to check the cross section. And also the file contains the branching ratio for various decays. I know they should be somewhere in SVN but I couldn't find them.

[12.07.17, 3:15:51 PM] Joey Reichert: no, i don’t know where they are offhand

[12.07.17, 3:16:02 PM] Yu-Ting: ok thank you. i will let you know if I can find them.

[12.07.17, 3:16:25 PM] Joey Reichert: i hope it’s not hard to find!

[12.07.17, 4:09:49 PM] Yu-Ting:

[12.07.17, 4:21:23 PM] Joey Reichert: oh! sorry, i was focused on the SLHA part of your question! i forgot about the SUSYTools file

[12.07.17, 4:21:45 PM] Yu-Ting: never mind yes, I spent a lot of time to fine it in generator folder but finally I realize I could find them in the susy tools

[12.07.17, 4:22:37 PM] Joey Reichert: right, makes sense!

ytatus94 commented 6 years ago

[27.09.17, 2:31:58 PM] Yu-Ting: Hi Joey, I just notice in the v1.9 ntuple, the Zvvgamma_SusySkimHiggsino_v1.9_SUSY16_tree_NoSys.root is empty. Could you please confirm this?

[27.09.17, 3:02:49 PM] Joey Reichert: yes, i think it doesn’t pass the two signal lepton requirement anyway, we use the fakes to estimate this background

[27.09.17, 3:08:30 PM] Yu-Ting: I also have some questions about v1.9 ntuples:

  1. Does AllSignals_SusySkimHiggsino_v1.9_SUSY16_tree_NoSys.root include all the grid points of Higgsio, Slepton, and WZ?
  2. Does AllBkgsButFakes_SusySkimHiggsino_v1.9_SUSY16_tree_NoSys.root include all the bkg samples (alt_XXX + no "alt_")
  3. What does the alt_XXX sample mean? I remember that I asked this long time ago but I forget it.

[27.09.17, 3:14:48 PM] Joey Reichert:

  1. yes. i think there’s one with “v1.9b” that has fixes to the sleptons due to missing xsecs though. it does not include the NUHM2 samples
  2. no, it only has the non-alternative samples. in principle it has every unique sample that you need (but maybe has an extra sample, i forget offhand)
  3. “alt” means an alternative sample that we aren’t using, but may have studied (or could study). for instance, alternative ttbar samples

[27.09.17, 3:18:54 PM] Yu-Ting: So the alternative samples are not used? Thank you for your explanations

[27.09.17, 3:19:00 PM] Joey Reichert: right!