You will be asked some questions and requested to provide some information, please read them carefully and answer honestly
Put an x into all the boxes [ ] relevant to your issue (like this: [x])
Use the Preview tab to see what your issue will actually look like
Make sure you are using the latest version: run youtube-dl --version and ensure your version is 2017.11.15. If it's not, read this FAQ entry and update. Issues with outdated version will be rejected.
[x] I've verified and I assure that I'm running youtube-dl 2017.11.15
Before submitting an issue make sure you have:
[x] At least skimmed through the README, most notably the FAQ and BUGS sections
[x] Searched the bugtracker for similar issues including closed ones
What is the purpose of your issue?
[ ] Bug report (encountered problems with youtube-dl)
[ ] Site support request (request for adding support for a new site)
[ ] Feature request (request for a new functionality)
[x] Question
[ ] Other
The following sections concretize particular purposed issues, you can erase any section (the contents between triple ---) not applicable to your issue
If the purpose of this issue is a bug report, site support request or you are not completely sure provide the full verbose output as follows:
Davides-MBP:~ davide$ youtube-dl -v
[debug] System config: [u'-x', u'--hls-prefer-ffmpeg', u'--prefer-ffmpeg', u'--audio-quality', u'0', u'--audio-format', u'mp3', u'--add-metadata', u'--metadata-from-title', u'%(artist)s - %(title)s', u'--add-metadata', u'--metadata-from-title', u'%(album)s', u'--embed-thumbnail', u'-o', u'~/Desktop/%(playlist_title)s/%(title)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s']
[debug] User config: []
[debug] Custom config: []
[debug] Command-line args: [u'', u'-v']
[debug] Encodings: locale UTF-8, fs utf-8, out UTF-8, pref UTF-8
[debug] youtube-dl version 2017.11.15
[debug] Python version 2.7.10 - Darwin-17.2.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 3.4, ffprobe 3.4
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[youtube] dLvPBfo6ll4: Downloading webpage
[youtube] dLvPBfo6ll4: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] dLvPBfo6ll4: Extracting video information
[youtube] {22} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {43} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {18} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {36} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {17} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {137} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {248} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {136} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {247} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {135} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {244} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {134} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {243} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {133} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {242} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {160} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {278} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {140} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {171} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {249} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {250} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] {251} signature length 43.45, html5 player vflg_prv_
[youtube] dLvPBfo6ll4: Downloading MPD manifest
[youtube] dLvPBfo6ll4: Downloading thumbnail ...
[youtube] dLvPBfo6ll4: Writing thumbnail to: /Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.jpg
[debug] Invoking downloader on u''
[download] Destination: /Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.webm
[download] 100% of 5.05MiB in 00:00
[fromtitle] parsed album: Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffprobe -show_streams 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.webm'
[ffmpeg] Destination: /Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.mp3
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -i 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.webm' -vn -acodec libmp3lame '-q:a' 0 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.mp3'
Deleting original file /Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.webm (pass -k to keep)
[ffmpeg] Adding metadata to '/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.mp3'
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -i 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.mp3' -c copy -metadata 'comment=Feeling Sheepish'"'"'...
All I Got!
Said The Sky
Artwork by Fedor Barkhatov
Full channel playlist on Spotify!!!!
Insta Sheepy
Sheepy Shop
Sheepy News
Submit Tracks + Art</a' -metadata 'album=Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got' -metadata 'description=Feeling Sheepish'"'"'...
All I Got!
Said The Sky
Artwork by Fedor Barkhatov
Full channel playlist on Spotify!!!!
Insta Sheepy
Sheepy Shop
Sheepy News
Submit Tracks + Art</a' -metadata 'artist=MrSuicideSheep' -metadata 'title=Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got' -metadata 'date=20171106' -metadata 'purl=' 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.temp.mp3'
[ffmpeg] Adding thumbnail to "/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.mp3"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -i 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.mp3' -i 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.jpg' -c copy -map 0 -map 1 '-metadata:s:v' 'title="Album cover"' '-metadata:s:v' 'comment="Cover (Front)"' 'file:/Users/davide/Desktop/NA/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got/Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got.temp.mp3'
Davides-MBP:~ davide$
Description of your issue, suggested solution and other information
Hello, I need some help with adding the metadata. I have no problem from a youtube video with Artist - SongName to add them to the metadata using
Please follow the guide below
into all the boxes [ ] relevant to your issue (like this:[x]
)Make sure you are using the latest version: run
youtube-dl --version
and ensure your version is 2017.11.15. If it's not, read this FAQ entry and update. Issues with outdated version will be rejected.Before submitting an issue make sure you have:
What is the purpose of your issue?
The following sections concretize particular purposed issues, you can erase any section (the contents between triple ---) not applicable to your issue
If the purpose of this issue is a bug report, site support request or you are not completely sure provide the full verbose output as follows:
Description of your issue, suggested solution and other information
Hello, I need some help with adding the metadata. I have no problem from a youtube video with Artist - SongName to add them to the metadata using
What I would like to do is also adding the whole video name as the album, but when I try to do
it just add the album, and doesn't change the artist and title. Is it possible to do?
What I would like to have is
Song = All I Got Artist = Said The Sky & Kwes Album = Said The Sky & Kwesi - All I Got
Thanks a lot.