and it contains the following meta tags in the head:
<html lang="de-DE" prefix="og:">
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Logbuch:Netzpolitik"/>
<meta property="og:title" content="LNP278 Nach Art des Scheiches"/>
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
<meta property="og:description" content="Brexit — CDU — 5G-Vergabe — Digitalpakt — Robert Tibbo — NSO und Kashoggi — Facebook-Krise — China — Artikel 13 — Vosshoff — Marriot-Hack — StreamOn — Termine Nach einer terminbedingten kurzen Pause nehmen wir wieder das Heft auf und tingeln durch die sich aufstauenden netzpolitischen Themen der letzten zwei Wochen, finden endlich eine sinnvolle Anwendung für die Blockchain und erklären, was der Brexit mit Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis zu tun hat."/>
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
<meta property="og:audio" content=""/>
<meta property="og:audio:type" content="audio/mp4"/>
<meta property="og:audio" content=""/>
<meta property="og:audio:type" content="audio/mpeg"/>
<meta property="og:audio" content=""/>
<meta property="og:audio:type" content="audio/opus"/>
<meta property="og:audio" content=""/>
<meta property="og:audio:type" content="audio/ogg"/>
The extraction of the formats and the media files should be trivial. Are you interested in a pull request implementing this feature?
A short search in the source code already using these meta tags in various places, but the curent support is incomplete and incorrect (at least for general cases).
I found that support for Open Graph is already there, only the og:audio is missing..
I close this issue for now and will open a pull request in the future.
Version: master
I just stumbled on some pages which are annotated the open graph protocol
Example URL pointing to a podcast:
and it contains the following meta tags in the
:The extraction of the formats and the media files should be trivial. Are you interested in a pull request implementing this feature?
A short search in the source code already using these meta tags in various places, but the curent support is incomplete and incorrect (at least for general cases).