ytdl-org / youtube-dl

Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
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ffmpeg "Correcting container" called on already downloaded m4a files #18505

Open durai23 opened 5 years ago

durai23 commented 5 years ago

Please follow the guide below

Make sure you are using the latest version: run youtube-dl --version and ensure your version is 2018.12.09. If it's not, read this FAQ entry and update. Issues with outdated version will be rejected.

Before submitting an issue make sure you have:

What is the purpose of your issue?

The following sections concretize particular purposed issues, you can erase any section (the contents between triple ---) not applicable to your issue

If the purpose of this issue is a bug report, site support request or you are not completely sure provide the full verbose output as follows:

Add the -v flag to your command line you run youtube-dl with (youtube-dl -v <your command line>), copy the whole output and insert it here. It should look similar to one below (replace it with your log inserted between triple ```):

PS C:\cygwin64\home\axon\scripts_youtube_dl> python .\ --url ""
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs mbcs, out cp437, pref cp1252
[debug] youtube-dl version 2018.12.09
[debug] Python version 2.7.11 (CPython) - Windows-8.1-6.3.9600
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 3.3.2, ffprobe 3.3.2
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[youtube:playlist] PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ: Downloading webpage
[download] Downloading playlist: Deniro
[youtube:playlist] playlist Deniro: Downloading 31 videos
[download] Downloading video 1 of 31
[youtube] yTOGheewG1E: Downloading webpage
[youtube] yTOGheewG1E: Downloading embed webpage
[youtube] yTOGheewG1E: Refetching age-gated info webpage
ERROR: Watch this video on YouTube. Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\axon\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\youtube_dl\", line 793, in extract_info
    ie_result = ie.extract(url)
  File "C:\Users\axon\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\youtube_dl\extractor\", line 508, in extract
    ie_result = self._real_extract(url)
  File "C:\Users\axon\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\youtube_dl\extractor\", line 1920, in _real_extract
    raise ExtractorError(error_message, expected=True)
ExtractorError: Watch this video on YouTube. Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.

[download] Downloading video 2 of 31
[youtube] aZSzMIFZT7Q: Downloading webpage
[youtube] aZSzMIFZT7Q: Downloading video info webpage
Dirty Grandpa Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Zac Efron, Robert De Niro Comedy HD
[debug] Invoking downloader on u'
[download] M:\yt2018\aZSzMIFZT7Q_Dirty Grandpa Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Zac Efron, Robert De Niro Comedy HD_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ_Deniro_20151029_NA_128_
140.m4a has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 1.77MiB
**[ffmpeg] Correcting container in "M:\yt2018\aZSzMIFZT7Q_Dirty Grandpa Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Zac Efron, Robert De Niro Comedy HD_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ_
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -i "file:M:\yt2018\aZSzMIFZT7Q_Dirty Grandpa Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Zac Efron, Robert De Niro Comedy HD_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhT
HKnlcFeGyTcuQ_Deniro_20151029_NA_128_140.m4a" -c copy -f mp4 "file:M:\yt2018\aZSzMIFZT7Q_Dirty Grandpa Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Zac Efron, Robert De Niro Comedy HD_PL
[download] Downloading video 3 of 31
[youtube] mfT-UZCA6Tg: Downloading webpage
[youtube] mfT-UZCA6Tg: Downloading video info webpage
Robert De Niro Impressed By Tom Hiddleston's Robert De Niro Impression - The Graham Norton Show
[debug] Invoking downloader on u'
[download] M:\yt2018\mfT-UZCA6Tg_Robert De Niro Impressed By Tom Hiddleston's Robert De Niro Impression - The Graham Norton Show_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ_Deniro
_20151002_NA_128_171.webm has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 4.93MiB
[download] Downloading video 4 of 31
[youtube] ZU3Xban0Y6A: Downloading webpage
[youtube] ZU3Xban0Y6A: Downloading video info webpage
The Intern - Official Trailer [HD]
[debug] Invoking downloader on u'
[download] M:\yt2018\ZU3Xban0Y6A_The Intern - Official Trailer [HD]_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ_Deniro_20150513_NA_128_171.webm has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 2.02MiB
[download] Downloading video 5 of 31
[youtube] W-DEy3mylCs: Downloading webpage
[youtube] W-DEy3mylCs: Downloading video info webpage
The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD
[debug] Invoking downloader on u'
[download] M:\yt2018\W-DEy3mylCs_The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ_Deniro_20150513_NA_128_
140.m4a has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 2.24MiB
**[ffmpeg] Correcting container in "M:\yt2018\W-DEy3mylCs_The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhTHKnlcFeGyTcuQ_
[debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -i "file:M:\yt2018\W-DEy3mylCs_The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD_PLUoFIzNiYRRsA2CTRYhT
HKnlcFeGyTcuQ_Deniro_20150513_NA_128_140.m4a" -c copy -f mp4 "file:M:\yt2018\W-DEy3mylCs_The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD_PL

If the purpose of this issue is a site support request please provide all kinds of example URLs support for which should be included (replace following example URLs by yours):

Note that youtube-dl does not support sites dedicated to copyright infringement. In order for site support request to be accepted all provided example URLs should not violate any copyrights.

Description of your issue, suggested solution and other information

Explanation of your issue in arbitrary form goes here. Please make sure the description is worded well enough to be understood. Provide as much context and examples as possible. If work on your issue requires account credentials please provide them or explain how one can obtain them.

ffmpeg container called on already downloaded m4a files

I sometimes have playlists that are processed a second time (by youtube-dl). The great thing is youtube-dl detects that the file is already present and reports in the verbose output("has already been downloaded"). This works great for video files. For audio files, unfortunately, youtube-dl invokes ffmpeg which processes the existing m4a files again (as seen in the log). This causes unnecessary use of network and disk time and is highly inefficient. Also this causes the creation time of these files, making it look like the files were created just now. This problem is only when the format is m4a (does not happen for webm files).

These are my arguments: ydlopts = { 'forcetitle':True, 'outtmpl':"M:\yt2018\%(id)s%(title)s_%(playlistid)s%(playlisttitle)s%(uploaddate)s%(height)s%(abr)s%(format_id)s.%(ext)s", 'format': "bestaudio[abr<160]", 'ignoreerrors':True, 'nooverwrites':True, 'verbose':True, 'proxy':"", 'sleep_interval':10, }

How to avoid this?


outhud commented 2 years ago

This issue is still present in the 2021.12.17 version.

ghost commented 2 years ago

This should be an intended behavior against m4a_dash by this commit . See the linked issue reports what was the problem.

If you don't want this, use --fixup warn or --fixup never.