Open heptahex opened 3 years ago
WFM now:
$ python -m youtube_dl --hls-prefer-native --test --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0' ''
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading webpage
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-itIT information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-arME information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-ptBR information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-frFR information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-deDE information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-esLA information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-esES information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading adaptive_hls-audio-jaJP-hardsub-enUS information
[crunchyroll] 662391: Downloading media info
WARNING: Unable to download XML: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 53
[download] Destination: I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying Episode 8 – I'll Become a Pro Golfer-662391.mp4
[download] 100% of 10.00KiB in 00:01
Verbose log
During past weeks I could easily download my videos from Crunchyroll with Native HLS Downloader using
. But since today, I can't download anymore using Native HLS Downloader. The warning showedWARNING: hlsnative has detected features it does not support, extraction will be delegated to ffmpeg
and youtube-dl downloaded my video with ffmpeg, instead of Native HLS Downloader. Since Native HLS Downloader resumes the download if something goes wrong (i.e connection problem,...) and--hls-prefer-ffmpeg
does not resume downloads, I think it is an essential feature. Hope the problem will be fixed soon. Thank you.