ytdl-org / youtube-dl

Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
The Unlicense
131.47k stars 9.96k forks source link

Unable to download .m3u8 video : Invalid data found when processing input #29469

Open mohan00012 opened 3 years ago

mohan00012 commented 3 years ago



[debug] System config: []
[debug] User config: []
[debug] Custom config: []
[debug] Command-line args: ['-v', '--ffmpeg-location', 'C:\\Users\\HP I5\\Downloads\\ffmpeg-4.3.1-2020-10-28-essentials_build\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '--no-check-certificate', '--audio-format', 'best', '-o', 'C:\\Users\\HP I5\\Videos\\Emed\\104\\PHARMACOLOGY-JIPMER DISCUSSION 2018.%(ext)s', '']
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs mbcs, out cp437, pref cp1252
[debug] youtube-dl version 2021.03.03
[debug] Python version 3.4.4 (CPython) - Windows-10-10.0.19041
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg, ffprobe
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[generic] hls_500k_: Requesting header
WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor.
[generic] hls_500k_: Downloading webpage
[generic] hls_500k_: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo+bestaudio/best
[debug] Invoking downloader on ''
[download] Destination: C:\Users\HP I5\Videos\Emed\104\PHARMACOLOGY-JIPMER DISCUSSION 2018.mp4
[debug] ffmpeg command line: "C:\Users\HP I5\Downloads\ffmpeg-4.3.1-2020-10-28-essentials_build\bin\ffmpeg" -y -loglevel verbose -headers "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.57 Safari/537.36
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
" -i "" -c copy -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:C:\Users\HP I5\Videos\Emed\104\PHARMACOLOGY-JIPMER DISCUSSION 2018.mp4.part"
ffmpeg version Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 10.2.0 (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project)
  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static --disable-w32threads --disable-autodetect --enable-fontconfig --enable-iconv --enable-gnutls --enable-libxml2 --enable-gmp --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-libsrt --enable-libssh --enable-libzmq --enable-avisynth --enable-sdl2 --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libvpx --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvmaf --enable-libzimg --enable-amf --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc --enable-d3d11va --enable-dxva2 --enable-libmfx --enable-libgme --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libgsm --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopus --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-librubberband
  libavutil      56. 51.100 / 56. 51.100
  libavcodec     58. 91.100 / 58. 91.100
  libavformat    58. 45.100 / 58. 45.100
  libavdevice    58. 10.100 / 58. 10.100
  libavfilter     7. 85.100 /  7. 85.100
  libswscale      5.  7.100 /  5.  7.100
  libswresample   3.  7.100 /  3.  7.100
  libpostproc    55.  7.100 / 55.  7.100
[tcp @ 000001ba180c2800] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba180c2800] Successfully connected to port 443
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening '' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18669d40] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18669d40] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18670780] Statistics: 48 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1866a3c0] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1866a3c0] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba189ee840] Statistics: 35520 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1866a3c0] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1866a3c0] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba188214c0] Statistics: 50384 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1866a3c0] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1866a3c0] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18859f00] Statistics: 16160 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b880] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b880] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18821c80] Statistics: 68432 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18bdb8c0] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18bdb8c0] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18b8f100] Statistics: 58656 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18758f40] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18758f40] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18867e00] Statistics: 65424 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18c9f900] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18c9f900] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba1866a380] Statistics: 62224 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b640] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b640] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18941880] Statistics: 60336 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1870ab00] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1870ab00] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18943400] Statistics: 59584 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b480] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b480] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba188252c0] Statistics: 58272 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18864f80] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18864f80] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba189a5b00] Statistics: 57159 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b200] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba1870b200] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba189a6dc0] Statistics: 59408 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18759b40] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18759b40] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba1881d480] Statistics: 57904 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18934a40] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18934a40] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18822e40] Statistics: 59776 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18867a80] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18867a80] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18931f00] Statistics: 59776 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18867900] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18867900] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba1893f980] Statistics: 59968 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18850b00] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18850b00] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba188576c0] Statistics: 62032 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18932c00] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18932c00] Successfully connected to port 443
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18819ac0] Statistics: 61664 bytes read, 0 seeks
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] HLS request for url '', offset 0, playlist 0
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[tcp @ 000001ba18858fc0] Starting connection attempt to port 443
[tcp @ 000001ba18858fc0] Successfully connected to port 443
[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Error when loading first segment ''
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18867e00] Statistics: 36416 bytes read, 0 seeks
[AVIOContext @ 000001ba18661080] Statistics: 37740 bytes read, 0 seeks Invalid data found when processing input

ERROR: ffmpeg exited with code 1
  File "", line 19, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 475, in main
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 465, in _real_main
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 2056, in download
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 799, in extract_info
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 806, in wrapper
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 838, in __extract_info
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 872, in process_ie_result
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 1679, in process_video_result
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 1963, in process_info
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 1902, in dl
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\downloader\", line 366, in download
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\downloader\", line 64, in real_download
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\downloader\", line 165, in report_error
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 628, in report_error
  File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmpvjygsik_\build\youtube_dl\", line 590, in trouble

I'm trying to download a video using the below link, But when I click on the video link in the browser it is showing RAW data in the .M3U8 file instead of downloading it. Please don't ignore this question as I was trying very hard to download a video and seen all the similar issues available here.

Please see this link and help me out. I can provide any additional data if required.

Thank you.

ghost commented 3 years ago

At least, you need to find out what other headers and/or parameters the browser is using to get this url from the server.

mohan00012 commented 3 years ago

@kikuyan Thank you for your response.

I have tried passing all the headers. I'm getting the same errors "Error when loading first segment" and "Invalid data found when processing input". Please refer log submitted above.

Thank you.

ghost commented 3 years ago

[hls @ 000001ba180be300] Opening '' for reading [tcp @ 000001ba18669d40] Starting connection attempt to port 443 [tcp @ 000001ba18669d40] Successfully connected to port 443 [AVIOContext @ 000001ba18670780] Statistics: 48 bytes read, 0 seeks

Your m3u8 contains #EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI="k/timestamp",IV=... line and the quote above from your log is where ffmpeg is getting the decryption key. The key length must be 16 bytes for AES-128 but 48 bytes returned. Maybe this is why decryption failed.

You say you're getting the same error, you need to find a way to get the valid decryption key (from the browsers' devtools or JavaScript code). And you might need to use hlsdl or something which you can specify the raw key value for decryption. It would be better to ask VideoHelp Forum.