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Add support for livestream videos #96

Open pluja opened 3 years ago

pluja commented 3 years ago

Livestream videos on Youtube use a m3u8 format. We should get Nginx to stream those files as the retrieving and set-up of the URLs is already done, and also the video-js part for reproducing the hls streams.

pluja commented 3 years ago

@FireMasterK do you know how we shoud address this on the Nginx file?

FireMasterK commented 3 years ago

Could you send me an example m3u8 file? I'll get a better idea of what to do then

pluja commented 3 years ago

@FireMasterK Yes. Here's an example URL:

Note that I removed the IP from the URL so it won't work.

And the content of the downloaded file can be found here:

You can get the URL using youtube-dl and getting the formats from a livestream url. I used this one /watch?v=5qap5aO4i9A

FireMasterK commented 3 years ago

I seem to be getting a different file from youtube-dl, how did you get that url? I just ran youtube-dl -v -f 96 and this the URL I get.,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,goi,sgoap,sgovp,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AOq0QJ8wRQIhAKkKkNgFubGiKkOmeHuNFb8VbjNHf_OIhnbRu1I3LASKAiADRNNK6xFJwVF-wvfSUruom_DP-IMsgo6NyBU7rv3Lnw%3D%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,hcs,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,rmhost,shardbypass/lsig/AG3C_xAwRAIgb8tC4IAtBsZBLV0amFSyIPOlYe6Wv61hPQ3NqZXEa3oCIBEFYghu9EBZHeYqjlVdWAnW970wTxxaQ9dl0vMT2rdw/playlist/index.m3u8

FireMasterK commented 3 years ago

My best idea on how to approach this would probably be to use python to replace the googlevideo hostname with the instance one and append &host= to each of those URLs.

I would approach this by checking each line by line and seeing if it is a URL, if it is, just rewrite the URL like above.

Here's my current config for videostreaming, It should work perfectly with this.

    location ~ (^/videoplayback$|/videoplayback/|/vi/|/a/) {
         proxy_buffering off;
         resolver ipv6=off;
         proxy_pass https://$arg_host;
         proxy_set_header Host $arg_host;
         proxy_ssl_server_name on;
         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For ""; # Only for cloudflared instances
         proxy_set_header CF-Connecting-IP ""; # Only for cloudflared instances
         add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
         sendfile on;
         tcp_nopush on;
         aio threads=default;