ytsaurus / yt-k8s-operator

Kubernetes operator for YTsaurus.
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Jobs ignore DisableHTTP option #285

Open sgburtsev opened 1 week ago

sgburtsev commented 1 week ago

I want all traffic within cluster to be encrypted. And I want to forbid non-TLS on http-proxies. Fortunately, there is the needed option:

httpProxies,.disableHTTP: true

As I see, cluster works fine with this option. The problem is with the operator Jobs: they ignore this option and try to connect to a closed 80 port.

At the first glance, I didn't find a decent quick solution. I assume that the operator should have some shared logic for yt client creation. At the moment, each component has its own which makes it difficult to fix in a single place.

sgburtsev commented 1 week ago

Also, one should keep in mind that working with HTTPS also requires the appropriate CA certs to be passed to the Job pod.