ytti / oxidized-web

Web UI + RESTful API for Oxidized
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TypeError at /node/version/view wrong argument type nil (expected String) // oxidized v 0.28.0 on a debian 9 #287

Open ctrlchimp opened 1 month ago

ctrlchimp commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone

first time here, absolutely newby in oxidized, with the error of the subject in the title. It happens when I press the configuration button under nodes / Versions for Node : (My OLT)


looking for several logs, I couldnt find nothing really relevant (my bad x sure!)


I also looked in file at that error messages indicates(webapp.rt) :

# show diffs between 2 version get '/node/version/diffs' do node, @json = route_parse :node @data = nil @info = {node: node, group: params[:group], oid: params[:oid], date: params[:date], num: params[:num], num2: (params[:num].to_i - 1)} group = nil if @info[:group] != '' group = @info[:group] end @oids_dates = nodes.version node, group if params[:oid2] @info[:oid2] = params[:oid2] oid2 = nil num = @oids_dates.count + 1 @oids_dates.each do |x| num -= 1 if x[:oid].to_s == params[:oid2] oid2 = x[:oid] @info[:num2] = num break and it seems nothing "touchable"..

So, i find an alternate solution.

the physical equipments, is named HuaweiOLT, but if change it to "smartax"... it works fine image


I really apreciatte any answer to understand WHERE is problem and why it's happening.

All the best!

robertcheramy commented 1 month ago

this is an oxidized-web issue, I will transfer the issue there.

Please test the latest oxidized and oxidized-web releases, 0.28.0 is outdated.